Solving Trust

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(Hoodie's p.o.v.)

I was sitting silently at a desk looking at all the parts for my disassembled gun, I was preforming some maintenance and cleaning on it because it had quit firing a few times while we were out last night, I paused on my work briefly and looked over at the bed, Jay was still laying down asleep with his arm lazily tossed over his face, when he woke up at about eight this morning he was so disoriented that he thought we were still out in the forest, I guess that the guy who knocked his teeth in really did a number on him, though I'm sure he'll be fine, he's been to hell and back, nearly in a literal form, I sighed quietly as I gently rubbed my shoulder, trying my best to soothe the pain while also trying not to reopen the wound, I turned my attention back on my gun and stared for a moment, I then pulled the manuel closer to me, as I read over it I began grabbing my painkillers and opening it, I then took them with the beer I already had open, I then continued to carefully clean each part of the gun and make sure no parts were damaged or broken, I then began reassembling it, I heard the bedroom door open and I looked over, Tim had just come in.

"Afternoon." I greeted coldly.

He came over and set a bottle of something on my desk.

"The fuck is this?" I asked.

"Vodquila." Tim replied.

"The fuck does that mean?" I asked.

"It's vodka and tequila already mixed together." Tim replied.

"That sounds awful." I mumbled.

I stared for a moment.

"Get me a shot." I said.

He began walking away as I continued working on my gun.

"Well hello, beautiful." I heard Jay say, "What a weird thing to wake up to."

I glanced over to see that Tim was getting the shot glasses out of my bedside table, he was looking down at Jay while Jay was looking up at him.

"Do you want some?" Tim asked.

"Some what?" Jay asked, "More sleeping stuff?"

"No, alcohol." Tim replied.

Jay was quiet for a moment.

"What kind?" He finally asked.

"Vodquila." Tim replied.

"Oh hell yeah, I wanna try." Jay said.

Tim grabbed another shot glass and began coming back over to me, he poured three glasses and took two, giving one to Jay, all three of us downed it at once, I set my glass down and continued working on my gun, I heard Jay cough.

"Wow, that's strong." He said, "Jesus."

"Of course it's strong." Tim said, "It's vodka and tequila."

"Oh, no wonder it tasted so familiar." Jay said, "It's too strong for me."

"What a lightweight..." Tim muttered.

"I like the fruity things." Jay said.

"Oh right, you like the girly drinks." Tim began making fun of him.

"I like the hard drinks, just with juice in it." He said, "A nice cranberry Vodka on the rocks, Mmm."

I rolled my eyes but continued working on my gun.

"What are you even doing there, Brian?" Jay asked.

I finished attaching the cocking mechanism and held up the gun, I then let the slider slide forward.

"That doesn't exactly answer my question." Jay said, "What are you doing?"

"It wouldn't shoot, so I'm disassembling it." I replied, "I'm hoping that once it's clean then it'll shoot."

"Oh." Jay said, "Damn."

"That explains something." Tim mumbled.

I put the last part on my gun and tightened the screw, I set the gun down momentarily to pour myself another shot, I was going to take a shot before I make a shot, I drank it quickly before I began to get up.

"Now what are you doing?" Tim asked.

"Making sure it works." I picked up my gun, "I'll be back later."

I grabbed an ammo clip and loaded my gun, I then began leaving the room.

"Bye." Jay said.

"Later." I waved slightly.

I left the mansion completely and began heading into the forest, soon I reached the abandoned building in the forest that I use as a shooting range, I cocked my gun, turned off the safety, and began shooting at the building, it worked perfectly and I emptied my clip, I then examined my gun a bit, it didn't seem like anything was wrong now, I turned the safety back on just in case and began heading back to the mansion, when I got back everyone I past greeted me happily, although I said nothing to any of them, I knew that one of the reasons everyone greets me with a smile is because I'm a Proxy, if you go against me you go against us all, it's one of the main reasons no one will complain about how annoying Toby is in front of another Proxy, although since we've picked him up Master has definitely gotten quite a few different complaints about him, some were from Tim, but I never really complained about him, I knew how to ignore people, I've learned how to ignore Jay and Skully when they're arguing with each other, so I know a lot, I got back to the room to hear Jay and Tim laughing, I just began heading over to my desk they went a little quiet.

"How'd it go?" Tim asked.

"Fine." I replied, "It seems like I did that right, I emptied my clip."

"That's... good?" Jay questioned, he leaned toward Tim slightly, "Help me! I don't know anything about guns!" Skully whispered sharply.

"That means it shoots." I set my clip down on the desk, "I'm sure it'll be fine now."

"Oh." He said, "Okay."

He and Tim continued to have their conversation as I began refilling my one clip, putting each bullet in one at a time, as I usually do when I use my gun at all, once it was refilled I reloaded my clip into my gun before I got up and began going over to the other two, I sat on the bed next to Jay as he began laughing at whatever Tim said, I watched Tim roll his eyes, I guess tonight's going to be fine after this, hopefully, my gun won't give me any more problems.

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