Worried Ends

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I was making my way back upstairs, I was really worried about Brian because he's been wearing his mask, gloves, and hoodie more often lately, which usually meant that he didn't want me to see something on his body, I was worried that it was because of marks on his body left by someone else, it also seemed like he was avoiding me while we were out working these past few nights, I sighed as I began heading to a corner, just as I started rounding the corner someone ran into me, I paused and looked to see it was Eyeless Jack, it looked like he was having some sort of intestinal problem, he glared up at me.

"Dude, it looks like you're having a heart attack." I said, "What digestion artery exploded to give you that face?"

"It's like your ass' been corked, fucking..." Skully trailed off.

"Don't fucking criticize me." He growled, "Go bother someone else."

"Well, what happened?" I asked, "Maybe I could help, if it ain't artery related."

He was silent as he turned away from me slightly, it looked like he was considering my help.

"I think my... my lover's cheating." He finally said.

"Oh damn." I knew how that felt, "That ain't good."

"If you don't have advice just fuck off." He growled.

"No, no, I have advice." I said.

"Then give it." He said as he closed his eyes.

"So you think they're cheating, but do you know for sure?" I asked.

"I..." He trailed off, "I don't."

"Okay then, confront them." I said, "Tell them off, then tell them they belong to you."

He looked at me again.

"What...?" He asked, "What are you going on about?"

"Listen, bud." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder, "If they want you, show that they only belong to you."

"Um..." He trailed off, "How?"

"Claim their body." I said, "Pin them down, lick everywhere, leave bite marks, leave bite scars, claim their body as yours."

He stared at me, he looked highly disturbed.

"What the fuck...?" He asked quietly.

"Trust me on this, kid." I said seriously, "Show that you care way too much about them and they'll show they love you right back."

He looked down slightly, he stood there for a solid minute before he looked up at me slightly.

"And you know this works... how?" He asked.

"Because it's worked with me both times." I said.

"Both?" He asked.

I went to say that I made a mistake and that I didn't mean both but my phone began beeping at me, I quickly pulled it out and looked to see I got a text from Brian, asking me to hurry up, I sighed as I closed my phone.

"I gotta go." I said quickly as I shoved my phone back into my pocket, "Good luck with your bowls."

I then began hurrying off, I bet he's mad at me because I said I was only going to be gone for a minute, I reached the bedroom again and went back in.

"Sorry." I apologized, "I didn't mean to take so long."

He didn't say anything to me as he continued to look out the window, that's when I knew he was still avoiding me and mad at me, I went over and set the bottle of painkillers next to him, I continued to stand next to him for a moment longer.

"Leave me alone." He finally said.

I walked away from him and sat on the bed, I watched him sitting by the window silently, I laid on the bed silently, I was really starting to worry about him.

He's cheated on me before, and no, it wasn't with Tim, it was another resident of this mansion, I honestly can't remember who but I don't think they're here anymore, and who knows if he was seeing anyone else while I was gone, he could've only been with Tim but you never know for sure... I mean, before I left he had both Tim and me to keep him company, and yet he still didn't seem satisfied.

Am... am I not enough for him...? Did I do something wrong to make him not want me anymore?

Did he lose interest in me because I've changed since being at Thetmis?

I finally couldn't take it anymore and stood up, quickly going over to Brian and grabbing his arm, he tried to pull away from me but I held on tightly to his sleeve, he tried to pull away from me as I pulled him to his feet, I then went to grab his mask but he grabbed my wrist.

"Knock it off." He said seriously.

"Take off your mask." I ordered.

"Fuck off." He pulled away from me.

I somewhat jumped on him, forcing him to the ground, he began trying to fight me off as I tried to get his mask off, we struggled with each other for a while before I finally managed to pull his mask off, I paused after seeing his face, he had patches and bruises all over his face, along with a dark blocky bruise all around his neck, his left cheek was slightly swollen and his right eye was black.

"What happened?!" I asked quickly, "Are you okay?!"

He pushed me off him and I quickly sat back up and grabbed his arm.

"What happened to you?!" I asked again, "Who hurt you?!"

"I'm fine." He said, "Quit throwing a fit."

I pulled on his sleeve slightly but he pulled his arm out of my grasp.

"I'm fine!" He somewhat yelled.

I stared at him silently, he sighed as he turned away.

"That guy punched me last night, remember?" He asked.

"He punched you once." I said, "One punch doesn't mess someone's face as much as yours is."

He glared at me immediately, I just glared right back.

"It was Tim, wasn't it?" I asked, knowing he sometimes got violent when he overdosed.

"It wasn't." He looked away.

"Oh, then I'll kill whoever did." I said, "If it was Tim I was planning to give him a pass."

He glared at me.

"So it was Tim." I said.

He hissed at me slightly as he looked away.

"Look, I'm not that upset." I said, "I remember what Tim's like when he's overdosed, I understand that kind of thing."

He pulled away from me before he began standing up, he grabbed the chair he was sitting on and sat back down, I just quietly got up and began heading back over to the bed, I guess that explains why he was avoiding me so much, he was worried about me hurting him, I laid down and silently stared at the ceiling, I really need to not immediately assume that Brian's cheating on me again.

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