Chapter 2 The Legendary Puppy

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Third P.O.V

In retrospect of traveling with multiple fire types in their younger years, Leah and Gladion had gotten a new tent since the old one was destroyed by a playful Eclipse a few weeks before they went to Galar.

Leah was curious about the glowing dens, but shoved that curiosity aside as the main task was to go to Motostoke City.  

Carrie whom had caught a Growlithe, an Eevee and a Charmander with Ponyta's help, noticed Leah and Gladion's camp in East Lake Axewell. 

"Hi Mrs. Leah!" Carrie called out and walked towards Leah's camp with Ponyta following her.

"Well hello there, Carrie." Leah happily greeted.

"Have you caught any new Pokémon?" Leah asked.

"Yeah." Carrie said.

Interested, Leah smiled and said, "Ooh! Can I meet them?"

"Of course!" Carrie said and sent out Growlithe, Eevee, and Charmander.

"Eevee vee!" Eevee exclaimed.

"Growl!" Growlithe said.

"Charmander?" Charmander said, sounding rather confused.

Eclipse was quite in a good mood, the fire type likes making new friends and thus happily greeted Carrie's team.

"Ninetales!" Eclipse greeted as the five Pokémon began chasing each other in a game of fire tag.

"Anyway, I wanted to show you something, I found Growlithe near a Dreepy earlier, Growlithe didn't wanted to leave it, so I convinced him that I'll get some help, the poor dragon type is tied in some ropes at near the gate to Motostoke City." Carrie explained.

"Leah, you think you'd be able to heal the Pokémon?" Gladion asked, sounding concerned.

"That's my specialty!" Leah said and ran off to the gate to Motostoke City with Gladion, Carrie and the herd of Pokémon following her.

Leah had stopped in her tracks when she saw the small green creatures trapped in the ropes, not fighting back or anything, just laying there doing nothing, but heaving.

"Well," Leah said, grabbing a sturdy knife from her bag.

"Here goes nothing." She said and then kneeled down and cut the ropes holding Dreepy.

Still injured from those ropes, Dreepy just layed on the ground until Gladion gave Leah some Full Restores, which she used to heal Dreepy.

Now in a good state of health, Leah gave the small dragon type a Poképuff which it hesitantly took a bite out of it.

"Huh, Toothless, I could of sworn you had teeth." Leah muttered, Dreepy whom had finished the Poképuff just stared at Leah and accepted the new name, but it just flew away after breaking glance with the trainer.

"That Pokémon would've been a nasty good addition to your team." Carrie said.

"If Toothless wants to be part of my team he'll probably find me another day, if he doesn't at least he's happy out there." Leah said and walked through the gate to Motostoke City with everyone else following her.

"Now, it is time for me to win my third gym badge!" Carrie exclaimed.

"You go girl, win that battle!" Leah encouraged Carrie.

Sonia greeted Leah and Gladion, but she seemed to be preoccupied with something else, she held a basket with a small blue puppy-like Pokémon sleeping peacefully in it.

"My assistant, Hop, Leon's younger brother had caught Zacian five years ago as Simon, the current champion, caught her younger brother, Zamazenta, this little one is Zacian's pup, neither Hop nor I know how it occurred, but I know that I can trust you to take care of it, I've heard that you've gained the trust of even the most untrusting Pokémon, this should be a breeze." Sonia said.

Picking up the small Pokémon whom is now awake, Leah smiled and said, "It'll be our pleasure to take care of it, Sonia."

Then Leah shared a gaze with the puppy and smiled, "Who's a good girl!?" She playfully asked earning a playful bark from the legendary puppy.

"If it's Zacian's pup, wouldn't that make this little one a Zacian as well?" Gladion asked.

"Honestly, I don't know." Sonia stated.

"Aren't you going to give it a name?" Rotom Dex asked.

"Well of course, I'm thinking of naming her Altesse, it's a title given to princesses and princes." Leah stated.

"Woof!" Altesse cheerfully said.

Leah and Gladion now sat in the Motostoke stadium awaiting for Carrie to finish the first part of the challenge.

Carrie's P.O.V

I have to catch one last Pokémon before going up against Kabu, I have caught a Sizzlipede and a Litwick, all that's left is a Vulpix.

I hear a sound, it seems to be a Vulpix, going to the source of the sound, I find the Vulpix limping around and trying to avoid the trainer ready to fight it.

Just as the guy was about to give his Salandit an order, I stood in front of it, bracing myself for the impact, but I found out that Eevee used Protect to shield me from his attacks while I heal Vulpix.

Remembering Leah's catching technique, I offered the fire type to join my team.

"Vulpix!" Vulpix said and gave a tap on the Pokéball I was holding, said ball ticked thrice and then sparkled, I have caught a Vulpix.

I have the highest score and I'll be the one to battle Kabu.

Third P.O.V

Carrie and Kabu both made their grand appearance on the battlefield, after greeting each other and going to their respective spots, the battle began.

"Eevee, I choose you!" Carrie exclaimed as Eevee appeared from the Pokéball.

Kabu sent out his mighty Arcanine and then Carrie had an idea.

"Eevee use quick attack and strike it's paw with Iron Tail!" Carrie told Eevee.

"Eevee vee vee!  Eevee!" Eevee exclaimed while making its move, Arcanine lost its balance and tumbled on the ground, but the battle was far from over.

"Arcanine use Flame Wheel!" Kabu told Arcanine as the giant canine did so.

"Eevee use Protect!" Carrie told Eevee.  

Eevee summoned a light blue shield which managed to throw back Arcanine.

When the battle ended, Carrie emerged victorious, being given the fire badge as a reward, now it was off to Stow On Side to challenge Allister, the mysterious boy, friend to ghost types.

Little did our heroes know, the myth of Altesse, Zacian's daughter, only just begun and it's about to get even better.

Adventures in Galar {Sequel to Leah's Journey and Leah's Grand Adventure}Where stories live. Discover now