Chapter 4 Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset, scratch that, just the burn!

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Third P.O.V

By morning the plan was set, but if it goes wrong, they'll have to improvise.

"Leah, Dad instructed me to give you Celestia, you'll need her speed at some point." Tim told Leah and gave her Celestia's Pokéball.

"Since Mega Evolution lasts longer than Gigantamax or Dynamax, Buddy and Lucario will have to be in that form until Blacephelon leaves or is defeated." Korrina stated.

"Lucario!" Lucario said.

"Doom!" Buddy said.

"I know Mega Evolution is tiring for both the Pokémon and the trainer, but it's the best bet, Tim, Iryka, and Gladion, those Z-Moves can come in handy at the right moment." Leah stated.

"Okay, but where do we come in?" Carrie asked.

"I'm afraid that fire types alone won't save you, however, Ponyta has speed and Gengar can hide in shadows which can be great distractions to the Ultra Beast knowing that it'll have more than one moving target." Leah told Carrie and Allister.

"Bea, you and Korrina get to work together, Pangoro's dark typing is perfect to fend off ghost types." Tim told Bea.

"Are we going to talk about the fact that the ultra wormhole is forming in the battlefield!?" Iryka panicked.

"As much as I hate to say this, but we'll have to get the battle started anyway, it's too small for the creature to get in right now." Bea said.

Carrie and Allister walked on the pitch, and began their battle with Eevee vs Mimikyu, but even before they began calling their moves, Blacephelon appeared from the Ultra Wormhole.

"Ah no, this shouldn't have happened now, Eclipse help me evacuate." Iryka said.

"You don't tell her what to do, I do." Leah told her sister.

"Whatever girls, just get to evacuating!" Bea told Leah and Iryka.

"Tim, you and Minerva along with Iryka and Lucipurr help evacuate everyone." Leah told her siblings, holding Altesse tightly to make sure she doesn't lose the puppy.

Unlike the other Ultra Beasts the Ultra Guardians encountered, this Blacephelon was already hostile, it took off its head and took an aim for Allister, Carrie saw it and pushed him out of the way thus allowing herself to get hit.

"Allister, go, save yourself, I'll be fine." Carrie told him, she knew all well she won't survive and thus accepted it as it is.

Leah saw what's going on, sent out Celestia, climbed on her back and jumped down from the railing to get Allister and Carrie out of the gym, after that task was done she galloped back inside to fend off Blacephelon.

When they finished off Blacephelon which it retreated into the Ultra Wormhole leaving the gym in a fiery ruin, everyone else walked outside to find a sleeping Allister and Carrie watching over him even if she's in agonising pain from her burns.

"So what now? Carrie is not in a state of battling and there's no hospitals nearby." Bea stated.

"True, but we have a private jet, Gladion call Lusamine, Aether Paradise is going to have a few guests." Leah said with a smirk.

So Hobbes arrived in the private jet and everyone went to Aether Paradise.

Leah went off to clean up her mess in her lab (which never got cleaned up before she left for Galar) after she got checked for any injuries from the earlier battle, which she surprisingly got out fine without any, as for Carrie, well a second degree burn is not something to take lightly, but her wounds will heal over time.

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