Hi my names Ella Jones im a 17 year old British teenager who loves to sing, dance and play multiple instruments. Right now im teaching a class of 8 year olds a dance I came up with to a song by my favourite band 5 seconds of summer, if you want to know the song its everything I didn't say.
"El!" My wacky best friend Jess shouted as she came into the studio wearing some of her favourite band merch, which consisted of a clifford 95 t-shirt and all the 5sos wristbands.
"what?" I shouted equally as loud.
"guess what? Well don't guess im just going to tell you. The 5sos boys' little sisters are coming to this studio. So that means that you will have to teach them and meet them well we both get to meet them..." She continued ranting as they walked into the door and came up to me and Jess without her knowing
".... God they're so hot especially Michael, I know Calum's your Favourite but god have you seen Michael. His tattoos his hair and god his voice. He sounds like an angel. But I can't forget the other boys, Ashton's laugh he's just a ray of sunshine, Calum's face and must I say that ass though. And then there's your favourite Luke with his lip piercing oh and his eyes that you can get lost in all the time we look at their photos."
I decide to stop her there and save her the bit of dignity she has left with these boys.
"Umm Jess turn around" I say

Dance studio
Fanfiction4 boys, 4 little girls, 3 teenage girls and 1 dance studio. What can happen? Nothing that Ella and her two best friends Jess and Neyv expected.