Chapter 1: Vague Dreams of Childhood

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Welcome to life! A roller coaster of unexpected events and surprises. It is quite a bold statement to begin a story with. You see, like everyone, I was born into this world as a blank page and eventually principles, traditions, culture and ideas were peddled into me by society consisting of my parents, family members, and random strangers. They expect results, results based on their mindset to shape you to become somebody for the future and if you pass, you're somewhat of a good person to society and if you fail, you're somewhat of a bad person to society. To bring more clarity to this story and you the reader, My name is Ganesh and so far I have experienced two decades of life and while it may be very different for everyone else I am merely reflecting on my experiences and emotions and adding my personal opinions and debate.

Childhood is that phase in your life where your imagination and thought process runs wild. To think about it, I was told by many individuals mostly my family members, that at this early stage, life is me going to school, becoming any occupation of my choice, which then produces immense success; with marriage and my own happy family following after and not forgetting that religion will attain me maximum blessings. Based on this thesis I thought to myself, that life is set and the processes stipulated will occur at their appropriate times. The overconfidence in my childhood created a mindset that I could have superpowers such as Superman and Batman, I could become anything and have anything. Shows such as The Fairly Odd Parents added base to this terminology.

Reality soon kicks its self into existence. The path towards life, lies many ups and downs and you quickly get a glimpse and taste of what is to come. At an early age my parents engaged in many altercations which lead to their separation, a starting point to something not good but luckily alternative solutions were in place to deal with this effect and its victims. It is however, becoming evident that childhood dreams are vague. Uncertainty lies beyond those dreams ready to assume a position. I can no longer have superpowers because they are fictional, I cannot have anything I want because scarcity and financial constraints exist, I cannot emerge as any occupation I desire because there are numerous requirements and qualifications attach. The list goes on.

The world revolves around rules, laws and religion laid out by individuals and god himself. You are expected to engage in the processes dictated by the system. To all the persons from society whom I was exposed to are not to be blamed for instilling vague dreams within me because they are simply influenced by the ideology infix into them from individuals from the past. To be frank, they are all affected by the ever-changing environment with its host of modern-day problems. I am still however, ever so often haunted by the daunt reflection of my childhood and unsettled on the events that occurred that may or may not have impacted me on the reality of growing up.

The argument now presents itself in a form in which I am an individual (still dependent and influenced) with the capability and capacity to think for myself and the decisions and actions I make going forward can impact and determine my future coupled with the uncertainty factors position to be fired towards me.

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