One - Watching from afar

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A/N: This story was discontinued after 22 chapters, so there is no real ending. Just so you know. Do feel free to read the existing chapters though and imagine the ending that you yourself would want the story to have.

There she was. Walking in the kitchen, her every move so elegant. Her highlighted blonde hair reaching a bit below the collarbones, neatly combed in a side part. Her blue-greyish eyes scanned the room as she looked for the recipe she had just held in her hand. Her tall body had curves in just the right places, and no one could ever believe that she was 46 and had given birth to three children.

Every time her perfect eyes met mine, even for a brief second, my heartbeat stopped and I got weak in my knees. Every time she was in the room butterflies went crazy in my stomach. Every time she spoke to me my mind went blank and I lost all my social skills.

She was the perfect woman. Except, she was my best friend's mom.

* * *

I watched her from afar, like I always did. I had never uttered a word about my feelings to anyone, not even to myself. How could I? She was my best friend's mom. The best friend I had had since kindergarten. The best friend who had been there when I learned to bike. When I got my first period. Whom I spent most of my free time with and all my summers with. There were rarely any moment we weren't together, and our parents saw us as sisters, we were that close. It had always been me and Jasmine against the world.

Then how did I let this happen? I hadn't always had a crush on her mother. It had started last summer, when I followed her family on a weekend vacation to the beach. Sure, I had seen them all in bathing suits before, but this particular summer my hormones had developed and suddenly kicked in.

We were taking a late-night swim in the ocean at sunset. Me and Jasmine had went down to the beach a little later than her parents and brothers. We walked the short distance from the hotel, and when we came down to the beach I was hit by Amor's arrow. Up from the water she came, swinging back her wet hair making droplets of water fly around her. The sunset lit her from behind, making her look like a goddess, an angel. Her hips swayed as she walked towards us, her black bikini revealing her perfect body.

In that moment I thought I was dreaming. Never had I ever imagined seeing someone so beautiful as she was there and then. That was the first time I felt butterflies in my stomach, for her and for anyone.

From that day, the way I saw her changed completely. I could no longer see her as an extended parent, as a mother figure. I saw her as a woman, a beautiful woman, whom I would do anything to be near, to watch, to talk to. It had since been four months, and every day I didn't see her, my heart broke a little bit. Every time I did see her, my heart broke a little bit more for not being able to be with her.

"Hello, earth to Liv, anyone in there?" I snapped back to reality, seeing a hand being waved in my face. I looked behind the hand and saw Jasmine at the opposite side of the table, the other hand holding a pencil over her math notebook. "I really need help with this but you keep spacing out. Are you okay?"

"Of course, sorry, I'm just tired," I said wondering if the heat in my cheeks was visible from the outside.

"We can stop if you want to, it's not due until day after tomorrow. It's dinner soon anyway, we deserve a break," Jasmine decided and closed her math book and put away her pencil.

"I'm sorry, really," I apologized and mimicked her action.

"Mom, what's for dinner?" Jasmine yelled over into the kitchen. We sat at the dining table, that was placed far away enough from the kitchen area to not be too disturbed by the sounds, but close enough to see the entire kitchen from it.

"Lasagna," April answered. That's her name. April Lori Baker. Mother to Jasmine, Peter and Stewart Baker. Wife to Henry Baker. "Can you go get the boys?"

Jasmine stood up and made her way upstairs, but first poked her head in the living room where her dad sat doing some after work-working. "Dinner soon, don't be late or we'll leave nothing to you."

We walked the stairs and left our homework in Jasmine's room before heading down the hall to the boy's playroom. They were currently playing with Lego on the floor, pieces spread out everywhere.

"Go clean up, dinners almost ready," Jasmine told them and started to put the unbuilt Lego into a box. Peter and Stewart were both 9, they were twins. Jasmine and I had been 11 when they were born. I had been friends with Jasmine long before that and we had helped babysit and raise them. They felt like my brothers too. I was an only child and had always wished for a sibling. My parents had divorced when I was 9 and I had done a lot of moving back and forth. In times when neither mom's nor dad's houses felt like home, I had gone to Jasmine. She was my safe haven.

I ruffled Peter's hair when they made their way out the room, and he lightly hit me in the stomach. It was a playful punch, but it took me by surprise and made me back up.

"Don't touch my hair," he snarled, but I saw the joy and tease in his eyes.

"Come on Jasmine, let's go eat," Stewart dragged his sister with them to the bathroom and then downstairs.

"It smells really good, honey," Henry said as we all gathered around the dining table me and Jasmine had just sat at. We dug in and ate in silence, tasting the deliciousness of the lasagna.

Several times during dinner I glanced over at April, admiring her beauty and elegance. I didn't dare to keep my gaze on her for too long, afraid of being caught. Although I didn't think anyone suspected anything, I didn't want to risk it.

Watching from afar was enough for me. My perfect woman, why does she have to be my best friend's mom...?

The perfect woman - My best friend's mom (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now