Questions & More Questions - 3 Asks

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Lazulii: Good 'what ever time set it is where you are' people! I'm back, to be an idiot on this weird thing I started because I was bored.

Lazulii: Today, we have 3 asks to go through, let's just get to them since I'm sure you don't care about my rambling.

Dog Man: Oh I hope it's for me!

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Dog Man: Oh I hope it's for me!

Lazulii: Actually, it sure is bub, and for Petey.

Petey: Oh no... It's not embarrassing, is it?

Lazulii: No it's not at all, just a question about your guy's son

Petey: Our son? Pardon

Lazulii: Don't act dumb now, Li'l Petey is your guy's kitten, now the question is from FayetteRocks
"would Li'l Petey be the type to like having siblings or does he enjoy being the only child the most?" Answer these questions with full honesty dudes

Li'l Petey: Oh, question about me? Can I answer, can I an-

Lazulii: Sorry cutie, but you can't, it's for your fathers

Petey: hhpfm.. ///

Dog Man: Hmm.. I don't know about that one

Petey: I guess he would like having siblings, he is the happy-go-lucky type of kid. Even made friends with that one tadpole, I think her name was Molly..

Dog Man: I think he would love kids his age to play with!!

Petey: Yeah, exactly.

Lazulii: So you two, what's your final answer?

Dog Man: I say... He would be the type to want to have siblings.

Petey: Yupp, I second on that.

Lazulii: Great! Now we know the answer to that, coolio.

Lazulii: Li'l Petey? What do you have to say.

Li'l Petey: It would so cool to have a brother or sister! Can I have one right now!? Pleaseeeeee

Lazulii: I don't think Petey would want to whip out his cloning machine again ahanxlhaaha

Petey: Why would I clone myself again? It would just be a second Li'l Petey.

Lazulii!: iii don't knoww, maybe putting yours and Dog Man's DNA together you'll get a fused child!

Petey: That just sounds incredibly risky, do you have any idea how badly that could go wrong, do you even hear yourself, what was it again...Laz?

Lazulii: It's Lazulii love, also who knowwwsss maybe it would work fine

Petey: Don't call me love, only d- I mean uh scratch that. Besides that's just asking for disasters so, no.

Li'l Petey: Ohh.. Okay Papa.

Sarah: Hey guys, are we even needed for this?

Chief: Yeah, can we just go out for lunch or something.

Lazulii: Oh, yeah you guys can run along and go on a date that's fine since there isn't any asks for you guys. And Zuzu but 80-HD has to stay cause I'm pretty sure there's one for him.

Li'l Petey: 80-HD has to stay, I always want him with me

Lazulii: I thought so, alrighty

Chief: Wait, what did you say??

Lazulii: NothINg, bye guys!

Lazulii: Ooookay, on to the next ask my guys
This one is from Zebragacha29 once more yayayye nice

Lazulii: Ooookay, on to the next ask my guysThis one is from Zebragacha29 once more yayayye nice

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Lazulii: So since obviously THIs Dog Man likes Petey-

Dog Man: I didn't s- ////

Lazulii: You didn't even have too, you literally gave him a kiss ha and you're holding his hand right now, you can't fool me

Dog Man: Oop-

Lazulii: The question is for an AU Dog Man from Zebragacha's Fic. So I shall teleport the babe here.

The 'Howling Moon' Dog Man appears on stage, chewing on a bone.

Lazulii: Hey cutie #2, we got a question for ya

HM Dog Man gets up and spits out the bone, looking around.

HM Dog Man: Where am i!?

Lazulii: I guess I'll be saying this 900 times, but you're on a live TV show, where peeps can ask questions and dare ya.

HM Dog Man: Oooh okay! Sounds fun

Lazulii: Hmm, maybe for the luckiest, anyway the question for you might be a littleee invading but honestly I don't care we just need dem answers.

HM Dog Man: What is it?

Lazulii: I know what happened with you and Max. Don't ask how.
But who do you have a crush on the most, Max or Petey?

HM Dog Man: I- umm.. I don't know-

Petey: *This is weird to watch..

Dog Man: *Yeah...

HM Dog Man: Max has been real kind recently, and I think he's sweet. I think, I... Love him.

Lazulii: Aaaahah noice boi

Petey: Sad to see I'm not picked, guess I'm not that dashing in his universe.

Dog Man: Don't worry, Petey, you're amazing to me!

Lazulii: AAY YOU lOVe birds, don't give me a sudden heartattack¡¡ jeez

Petey: I'm soo sorrry miss
(Sarcasm if it's not clear)

Lazulii: You're okay this one time, but watch out. Anywayyyy see ya HM Dog Man, have fun telling Max you love him!

HM Dog Man: I'm not sure I can do t-

He dissappears from my glorious stage.

Lazulii: Lllaaasttt ASKK! QUESTION FOR 80-HD HimselfFffffFfffffff (1am dead brain cells rise in my head as you can tell)

80-HD: oh, yay

Lazulii: Since they didn't say the fic this time, but I mean I don't know what to do at this point but... 80-HD you got any crushes dude :/

80-HD: I don't really know how to respond to that... I don't feel the need to have a crush.

Lazulii: yeaaaa that's what I thought haha

Gosh, that's all for today, I need a break from all this hosting....... Just kidding I'll go on for centuries
See you people later, probably tomorrow, next time on Dog Man: Ask or Dare

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