Endeavor finding a chair and sitting down was getting ready to present. "So, since Mia and Pixie are new to being in the top 10 Pro Hero's their going to be new with internships." He said. "Internships?" I asked. "Yes, you and the rest of us will be taking on students from U.A. to train with for a week." He explained. "That sounds like so much fun!" Pixie said in excitement. I gulped, teaching was never my specialty ever since middle school teaching kids was hard since they were so energetic and messy but somehow I could take care of my little sister with no problem at all. "But this year it will be different...." Endeavor trailed off. "Since last time it took longer and there were too many problems we will be having random team ups with the top 10 that are here." He said seriously. Miruko pulled out sticks that had numbers from 1-10 on them and put them in the center of the table. "I made these sticks so that our partners will be random! And it'll be more fun this way!" Miruko said happily. Hawks smirked as he pulled a stick towards him. I followed his lead as well did the others. I carefully placed my stick in-front of me. I peeked and saw the number written on the stick. I couldn't believe my luck. It said written on the stick #2, I put my hands on my face while trying to process everything that had happened to when I had first saw Hawks that day. Hawks leaned over to me poking at my revealing shoulders. I looked over at him he had his stick in his hand it read #3 on it. I let out a heavy sigh as Hawks was giggling in my ear saying "The sticks don't lie dove~". "Woah we got the same!" Miruko and Pixie shouted. "We have the same one don't we" Endeavor said looking over to Kaminari Woods. "Yup" Kaminari said. Hawks straightened up and puffed out his chest me and #3 got each other" he said proudly. "Hawks, I have a name" I exclaimed. "So do I dove~" he said. He met my eyes and leaned back in his chair. "Keigo Takami" Said Hawks. "Mia Chisaki" I said hesitantly. "American right?" He asked. "Yes?" I said questioningly I wondered how did he know I was American? He laughed in a devil like tone. "Dove, stop looking so puzzled it's obvious!" He said with a sly grin. "I've never met a Japanese girl with freckles as cute as yours~" he said flirtatiously while leaning over his seat getting closer to me. I looked away from him leaning on the table while he was leaning on my arm rests. "Can we pick who we are going to intern?" I asked. "Yes, but only at the max of 5 people." Endeavor said. "Aww cmon Endeavor" peeped Hawks. "No, also please try to respect Ms. Chisaki" Endeavor begged. "No promises" Hawks teased. "We all will head over to U.A. right now" Endeavor said while getting up and opening the door. I and Hawks quickly made it to the door while the others were behind us. I saw Hawk's hand move out of his pockets slowly then resting his hands next to his sides. I felt his hand on my shoulder as he looked me in the eyes. "Your gonna have to get used to me touching you since I'm clingy and your hero costume is a little revealing for your shoulders." He smirked while having his hand lingering on my shoulder. "Hawks get your hand off my shoulder you birdbrain" I said annoyingly. I knew he was very VERY flirtatious but I didn't think to this extent. Though once I told him too not touch my shoulders he basically hugged me tightly not letting go. I was in for a long day and week. Hawks while clinging/hugging me leaned into my ear. "I'm going to make you mine by the end of the week little dove and you better be ready tomorrow night for our little date~" He cooed and bluffed into my ears so delicately. "Sure you will birdbrain" I said sarcastically. "Oh I will dovey~" Hawks said eagerly. I now was wondering what he was going to do to win my heart over even though he knew well and good that I was all ready interested in him.
Hahaha. I uploaded the next day OwO I feel so accomplished. Anyways please enjoy this new series! Also these hawks pictures are not mine they belong to their rightful owners. Have a wonderful day/Night where ever you are my little doves! 🥰😘😍

Losers lose Winners win (Hawks x Oc)
FanfictionHawks x Oc 20 year old Mia Shimura has now became a pro hero joining the top 5 heroes as the #3 Pro hero. Hawks and Mia team up and Mia works at his agency. They will soon find that they will have fallen in love but have a long journey together as t...