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You would expect that after a week of unpacking most of the boxes would be gone, well in the Bennett house that logic didn't work. As their last house was so small, they didn't have much more than the bare minimum so that they could all fit. Now, they had furniture boxes arriving everyday along with more clothes and decorations for the kids.

Willow's decorations for her room had finally arrived and her room was as she wanted it, the stick on stars went above her bed, the fairy lights around her pin board, some fake flowers in glass circle cases which hung from her ceiling and some on her bedside table and her jewellery was sitting on her new hanger for it – apart from her family necklace, Lyra, which she rarely took off, her siblings didn't take them off very much either.

Most of the day was taken up with getting the house ready, some rooms needed repainting and the whole family were helping with that. So, once Willow had some free time, she realised how sick she had become of staying indoors, being so sporty she could never stay inside for too long without feeling trapped.

"Mama!" Willow said as she walked around the corner into the dining room, where her mum was typing away quickly on her laptop, "can I go and walk around the island? I'm going insane."

Allison looked up and smiled, "course you can, be back before seven though!"

"Thanks!" Willow said happily as she walked back up the stairs so that she could get changed, she was careful not to smudge the drying paints on her arms, Lucy had really wanted a yellow doodle in Willow's body paint and Willow had tested it on herself before she started on Lucy. There were yellow butterflies on her arms along with bumblebee's.

Willow changed into a pair of black leggings along with an oversized yellow shirt, she was really running with the yellow theme that day. Luckily, it was warm enough that she wouldn't need a jacket, but she decided to put her hair in a high ponytail so that she would stay cool.

After a wave to Lance who was laying down in the back garden, she slipped out of the back-garden gate and walked down the lane. She wasn't too sure where she was going but she didn't mind as she was just happy to get out of the house. The gravel crunched under her shoes and the birds chirped a lot.

The clean air was really nice, Willow really appreciated it as before they moved to the island over seven years ago, they lived smack bang in the middle of a big city with terrible air quality. Luckily, their dad got a job offer on the island so they could move to somewhere much better.

Along the road, there were a few houses that were around the same size as theirs, she was well aware of how lucky they were to live on this street with the huge houses. Before they even lived in England, they lived in Cuba, this was before Lucy and Olivia were even born but their parents moved them across to England along with their grandparents, who still live on the mainland in a home not too far from the ferry port to the Island.

Willow was pulled out of her reflective thoughts when she reached a fork in the road, she could either walk towards a small cluster of buildings or down towards some fields which clearly led to the woods. After a long moment of deliberation, she walked towards the buildings as she could always go and check out the woods at a later time. The shortest way over to them was a well-worn bridle path through a short field, there was no wire around the trail, so Willow just shrugged and slipped through the open gate.

For a few moments, the peace of the island washed over her, the bird chirped happily from their trees. This, however, didn't last for very long. "Watch out!" Someone shouted, Willow turned, visibly confused, toward the shout.

Instead of the person who shouted coming into her view, it was instead a grey horse that was charging towards her at full speed and bucking out their hind legs every few strides. If Willow was at her old yard, she wouldn't be afraid of the horse, she knew all of them wouldn't hurt her. But she didn't know this horse. There was a lead rope that dangled from the head collar, it was clear that the girl who shouted a warning to her had lost her grip.

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