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Eight in the morning felt very early for Willow, who had been sleeping in quite late since college finished. She had woken up at seven to make sure that she was at the stables for the time that the girls had agreed on, she was the only one of her siblings awake and Willow wasn't even sure if her mum was awake – their dad had already headed out to work.

For breakfast she just had some cereal as she always felt a little nauseous during the early morning, so she had to keep breakfast light. Once she finished, she washed her bowl and left it to dry and ran back upstairs, with just enough time left before she had to leave, she slipped on her clothes for that day. The weather was quite warm, so Willow had gone with a pair of pretty thin, red leggings and a white crop top for that day. Willow collected her long hair into a tight bun at the base of her head, pulled a few strands out in the front and headed back downstairs.

With a few blocks of ice inside of her water bottle, she filled it up and got ready to leave. Willow slipped her boots on and grabbed her hat, her phone in her back pocket was already going off like mad from the girls, who were almost at the stables themselves. Willow's walk down the lane was as pleasant as it always was, especially at that time in the morning, which she had discovered over the last few days of walking down to the stables to meet the girls.

"Morning guys." Willow smiled at them when she arrived, the girls were congregated underneath one of the shadier trees.

"Hey Willow." Zoe smiled as the group pushed away from the tree and walked into the yard. Zoe was pretty cool, for an American – Americans tended to be a little lost on British humour, but the girl did pretty well to keep up with their banter.

They chattered happily as they headed toward the chore board for that day, as usual Willow had been assigned all of Bumble's chores along with sweeping near some of the back stables, which were used a little less than all of the others. Each of them launched into their chores quickly, eager to get them over with while the heat wasn't too bad.

Willow lost herself in the chores, she mucked out Bumble's stable, the mare was out in the field at the moment and Willow was going to get her later, filled her water and hay net, and cleaned her tack swiftly.

As Willow was heading out to get Bee from the field, swinging the lead rope in her hand happily as she went, Sam called out to her, "Willow, you've got a lesson with me on Major at quarter past, will you tack him up and meet me in the arena?"

There was twenty minutes until quarter to, plenty of time to finish Bumble's chores and get Major ready, "sure!"

Sam smiled at her and let the girl continue towards the field, Willow walked into the field with all the mares and looked around. Of course, Bumble was in one of the further corners of the field, damn her. Willow half-jogged over to the horse just to save time and slipped the headcollar over her head when she wasn't paying full attention. The mare's ears flattened back for a moment before she realised it was Willow, her mood changed, and she started nudging the girl in search of treats.

The two of them walked back to the yard quickly, Willow made sure to lead her a fair distance away from the other horses – Bee was a little bit of a kicker when she didn't like a horse. Eventually, after Willow had groaned at Bee around only a hundred times, the mare was in her stall safe and sound. Willow tied her lead rope up to one of the hooks in her stable so that she could give her a quick groom.

After the quickest groom that Willow had ever given to a grumpy mare, she slipped the headcollar off of Bumble and walked out of the stable. With a check to the latch, Willow gave Bumble a kiss on the nose and left her.

She had ten minutes to get Major ready and meet Sam in the outdoor arena. The tack room was like a death pit of head when Willow walked in and rushed around grabbing the tack and her hat. Major was a very sweet boy who was a pleasure to tack up, as she was used to more fiery horses who would kick up a fuss at every opportunity.

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