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Note: I'm not a native English speaker but I put a lot of effort to translate my Spanish fanfic to direct it to International countries. I accept corrections and commentaries to improve my writing. Kisses! ♡♡♡♡

Recently I was starting with my third university grade, my fathers allow me live alone in a near department from the school.

My life was relatively normal, except for the fact of being sick of depression, that's why I was medicated and I go with the psychiatrist every month.

I don't know how long I should take medicines to feel me good, even if I'm not happy, it's enought for me being stable.

My university schedule was a little bit strange, some days were so long but the advantage was that the homework was nule. I'm very satisfied for this fact 'cause I never dedicated time to do it unless that this were required at first hour, in contrary case, I only did it along the day.

Today was saturday, the day when I dedicate to wash clothes and clean my department. My friends meetings were rare 'cause all of we took different roads from the high school. I spend time watching videos, movies, anime and playing videogames.

I was tired so I ordered food at home. I disposed to watch my serie and waith for my order.

The week was very stressing and soon I fell asleep.


I woke up by a nightmare, my body was altered and it took me a few seconds to regulate my breathing and emotions.

I saw the time in my cellphone and it marks quarter to midnight. I was tired to clean, I stood up and I went to my bedroom to wear my pijama. My department was dark except fort the screen of Netflix that I turned off and I iluminated my road just with my cellphone's lantern.

Arriving, I changed my clothes, plugged the headphones to my phone, I turned up the volume at limit and I lied up in the disordered bed. I let myself go with the melodies. I fell relax in the darkness for some reason.

Some minutes pased until I disconected the headphones, I plugged the charger to my phone and I put both things in my nightstand.

My body was relaxing to soon sleep, I was thinking in trivial things, I changed my positions some times, when I stretched my arm i felt a lump moving up and down calmly.

Dubting,  I stretched my other arm looking for my phone. I did't have pets and maybe I confussed the thing that I touched with something else. I turned on the lantern and I found other body lied up in my bed.
I reacted alarmed, I stood up quickly, I took a penknife from the nighstand's drawer and I turned on the lights.

Apparently, was a young men and he didn't react for my abrupted  movements and the ilumination neither.

I tried to think and I hid my "weapon" in the pijama pants stretch.

I shaked hum until he woke up and I kept my hand discreetly near from my weapon.

He saw me annoyed, maybe for don't leave him sleep and I could appreciate his blue with gray shades eyes. His hair had a singular albino colour, his eyebrows too, and he kept one arm holding tight his stomach.

I turned my view to the window which was open (that's why the room was so cold!) and a blood road from this to the bed. How he was able to enter if I live in a 3rd floor?

-Who the hell are you and why are you here?- I asked directly. He only saw me and stretched one arm to me making me realise the origin of the blood came from his abdomen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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