3: Romanic Poetry

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What made her so beautiful was that she  never learned. Not in the way that she would say something bad and then repeat it later, no, she always learned from that. Instead, in the way that when they looked at her in that way when her eyes lit up as when she talked about something she loved, she never shut up. After every one sided conversation where everyone talks over her, she still finishes her story. Maybe, because she can always trust me to listen. Hear her story and write it down so I can study the way she looks at the world and see if she would consider me beautiful. I always said I probably wouldn't write love poetry but you told me to try every genre for practice and here I am, wondering what you would find pretty in a girl like me. And here I am, writing romanic poetry I said I wouldn't write but I do because you look at me that way. Maybe you see the way I look at you when you talk, maybe that's why your eyes light up a little more each time you see me. That shine  reserved for stories from your life, you decided I am worthy of. I hope you know that you have become the stories that make my eyes light up.

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