stars - emerson

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Emerson's PoV

I sigh, running my hands through my hair, looking at myself in the mirror.

I hear the other guys in the bunk area, talking about the show we had tonight.I finish taking off my makeup and leave the bathroom, sitting in the lounge next to Y/n, gently grabbing her hand.

She smiles and looks at me "Hey love, what's on your mind?" She asks me softly.

I sigh softly "I love the fans, i love touring, but i just wanna go home. I wanna sleep for weeks on end, i'm stressed and drained." i say softly.

She frowns slightly and moves into my lap "I'm sorry Em, i wanna go home too. I'm sorry you feel so drained, my love. Is there anything i can do to help?" she asks, i shrug and rest my head on her arm as she gently plays with my hair "I love you Emerson, i feel like i don't tell you enough" she says softly

"I love you more ma chérie. You don't have to tell me all the time, i know you love me. You make me feel so loved Y/n." i say quietly back to her.

She gently lifts my chin and presses her lips to mine, i kiss back softly, holding her body close to mine.

After a few moments i pull away for air. She gets up and grabs my hand, pulling me outside since we're stopped for the night.

I raise an eyebrow and she leads me to a nearby park. She lays on the grass and pulls me with her. "Look at the stars Em" she says softly and smiles over at me, i look up at the sky and gasp.

Where we were laying you could see millions of stars, all twinkling brightly. I look over at Y/n who was watching me, a beautiful smile playing on her lips. "Beautiful right? Emerson have i ever told you that your eyes remind me of stars? I swear they twinkle just like the stars do." She says, making me blush and smile

"Thank you Y/n. God i don't know what i would do without you. You know how to calm me down." I say softly and take a deep breath as i look back up, feeling a lot less stressed.

Y/n cuddles up to me and smiles, burying her head in my neck.

We lay there for a while, just looking at the stars.
At about 3am we go back into the bus and lay together, holding each other close and falling asleep.

Your PoV
In the morning I wake up alone, getting out of bed and getting dressed.

I look around for Emerson and step outside, seeing him smoking a cigarette.

I sit by him and rest my head on his shoulder.

He kisses my head and offers me the cigarette. I take a drag and blow it at the sky, he does the same. "I'm almost out, wanna head to the store with me?" I kiss his cheek and nod "Sure love. I need some too, i ran out yesterday" I say softly and he nods, tossing the butt in the can and leading me inside, he puts on his hat and jacket, i put on one of his hoodies.

"Rem, Seb, Emerson and i are gonna run to the store for cigarettes, need anything?" I ask the other two "Could you get me more juul pods?" Seb asks me, i nod and he hands me the money. Rem hums softly "Nutella?" He asks, giving me puppy eyes. I laugh softly and nod, Rem handing me some money.

Emerson and i leave the bus hand in hand, walking to the nearest convenience store, getting ourselves some cigarettes and snacks, and getting the other guys what they asked for.

We drop off the stuff for the boys, walking around the city for a bit, just enjoying each other's presence

"Y/n?" Em says "Yeah?" i ask, glancing at him. "I love you. More than i can explain with words." he says softly, making me smile and blush. "I love you too Emerson, so much more."
He shakes his head softly and kisses my cheek.

At the show

I was sitting side stage, watching the boys preform.

After Ma Chérie, Emerson leaves his drum kit and Remington hands him the mic.

"Hello everybody, I'd like to call my wonderful girlfriend on stage, come here mon amour."

He says softly, looking at me.
I walk onto the stage and wave to the fans as they all cheer, i kiss Emerson's cheek gently.

"So Y/n, we've been together for nearly 6 years, and i've loved every minute. Yes we have our ups and downs, like when we're both out of cigarettes and can't get more"

He chuckles and i laugh softly

"But we've had so many ups. You make me the happiest person in the universe my dear. And i've loved the past 6 years with you, and i want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He gets down on one knee and i cover my mouth

"Y/n, will you marry me?"

I nod and tackle him "Y-yes!" i say through tears, he laughs softly and slips the gorgeous ring on my finger.

The crowd absolutely loses it. Emerson helps me up and kisses me lovingly.

I kiss back and pull away after a moment "I love you" i say softly "I love you more Ma Chérie."

He says back and kisses my forehead before he picks me up and carries me offstage, since Ma Chérie was the last song.

He carries me into the dress room and sits on the couch with me in his lap, both of us smiling widely and as happy as we can be.

song of the day: the stand- mother mother

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