nightmares - emerson

501 11 4

my dreams become my nightmares

Your PoV

I always dreamed of being a musician, playing in front of hundreds of people. But now that i am one i'm not sure i made the right choice.

I love my fans. I really do. But this just isn't the life for me.

My band is currently on tour with Palaye Royale, and i've been talking to Emerson a lot. He and i are nearly opposites, yet i'm closest with him.

We have a few similarities, we're both introverts and stoners, but that's it personality wise. In looks we're sort of similar.

I leave my bus at about 7am, walking to the Palaye bus to make sure they wake up on time, I've been going to get breakfast with them every day of tour.

I knock on the door and Andrew answers, letting me in.

I go to the bunk area and pull back Emerson's curtain

"Wake your ass up pirate boy." I say softly, shaking him

"Go away Y/n" He groans

I laugh softly "We can smoke a little? I've got my dab pen on me" i say softly and he immediately rolls over

"You know the way to my heart Y/n" he mumbles and kisses my forehead

"Yeah Yeah, come on, we can get the other two up after"

He smiles and rolls out of the bunk, grabbing some clothes and going to the bathroom to get ready. After he's dressed he opens the door "Y/n help me with my makeup" he says softly and gives me puppy eyes

I roll my eyes and walk into the bathroom, making him sit on the toilet seat while i do his eyeshadow and liner.

Once i'm done he kisses me softly, i kiss back and slowly pull away.

Emerson and i has a friends with benefits thing going on, but nobody knew about it except Remington.

I smile softly and giggle quietly "Alright pirate boy, lets go smoke."

He gets up and we both go outside, sitting in a grassy area behind their bus

I grab my dab pen and take a hit, passing it to Emerson and a blow out the smoke.

He takes a hit and kisses me, passing a bit of the smoke to me, i inhale it and pull away

"You're affectionate today" i say softly

He blushes slightly and shyly smiles "is that a bad thing?"

"Of course not. I love it." i giggle and kiss him again, crawling onto his lap.

We make out for a bit before each taking another hit of my pen and going inside the bus. I wake up Remington and Sebastian and we all walk to a small diner to get breakfast.

After breakfast i sit down with them at a nearby park

"Guys i wanna talk to you about something important" i say softly

"What is it Y/n?" Remington asks softly

"I don't wanna be a musician anymore..I love my fans and my bandmates, but i just can't handle the mental stress anymore...My dream is becoming my nightmare" i say quietly

Remington rests a hand on mine "I completely understand. It's hard. You're such a strong person but it gets to be too much sometimes. I completely support whatever decision you make." He says

Emerson grabs my other hand "I support you no matter what. You need to do what's best for your mental health." He says softly

Sebastian rubs my back "All of us understand Y/n. You're so talented i believe you could make it in any profession."

I smile as tears roll down my cheeks "You guys are the best"

Emerson smiles "What were you thinking of doing instead Y/n?"

"I really wanna do photography" i say softly

Remington lights up "You can be our photographer!!"

The other guys agree.

I smile and give them all a hug "Thank you guys." i say softly

After a while they have to get ready to go on stage so i go back to my bus and talk to my bandmates, they all say they support me.

After my band gets off stage, i go back to my bus to see Emerson sitting on the couch "Hey, what're you doing here pirate boy?" I ask him softly, sitting next to him

"I wanted to talk to you about something" he says seriously

I bite my lip and nod "Alright, lets go outside" i say softly

We go outside and sit behind my bus

"So, i know we agreed that our whole friends with benefits thing would be strictly platonic. But Y/n i fell for you. And holy fuck i fell hard. You're so sweet and gorgeous. I really like you, and i wanna be more than friends or fuck buddies." He says softly

I smile and kiss him passionately, pulling away after a few minutes

"I feel the same way Emerson" i say softly

"Will you be mine?" He asks softly

"Of course, pirate boy."

A few months later we were off tour and i broke the news to my fans, a lot of them were sad but understanding, which i was thankful for

I had moved in with Emerson a few days ago, which was one of the best decisions i've made.
He makes me so happy, he's so sweet and caring and just amazing.

I love him with my entire heart

Song of the day: Stay - Palaye Royale

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