your first date💛

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Austin is a sweet and simple guy :)
he takes you on about an hour drive out to a little farmers market where you eat fresh food from the market at a picnic table. afterwards you go and take pictures in the flower fields about 10 minutes away from the market. after you take pictures you sit on the flower fields and talk. he then drives you home as you two vibe listening to music in the car all the way back as he holds your hand. he doesn't let go until you get to you guys pull up to your place.

Edwin is spunky and fun! you and Edwin end up going to a carnival because you can talk and get to know each other ask you walk around and can strike up good conversation on the Ferris wheel! he is really focused on getting to know you! he walks you around and holds your hand and helps you carry all the prizes he wins you. you guys stop and eat food from the one of the food trucks (whatever food you want). it's just a night full of laughs and goofiness.

Nick is cool and classy but sassy ;)
your date is somewhere very low key but personal to him. you get in the car and go on a 20 minute drive. he takes you to his favorite whole in the wall Mexican restaurant. you both order and sit in there talking and laughing for hours. you move across the table to sit next to him instead of across form him. he puts his arm around you as you guys talk and look at funny videos and memes. the restaurant is about to close so they have to ask you guys to leave. nick drives you home but you refuse to let the night end as you stay in his car talking for another 4 hours until you look at your phone and see it's 1:30AM. you guys both say goodnight. you walk into your house looking out at nick who doesn't pull off until you close the door and wave to him goodbye from inside your house.

Brandon is smooth and charming !
since Brandon is so smooth he wouldn't even need to take you anywhere. he invites you over to he house for postmates and a music session! you order in (your favorite restaurant) and he shows your around the studio and let's your play with everything form instruments to the microphone recording audio. you guys make a beat and eat while just vibin out.

Zion is just a crackhead 😂
Zion being Zion doesn't know where to take you or what to do you wind up deciding where to go. you decided you wanted to go for a hike. somewhere where cell reception was low so you could have his FULL attention and really get to know him on a deep level. the crack head zion is AMAZING and you love that part of him but you wanna pick his brain to see what he thinks about the finer things in life. after you guys are done hiking you swing by the drive thru and listen to music in your car until you drop him back off at the house.

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