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D.d's POV:

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Click* 'A few more minutes wouldn't kill me', I thought. I opened my eyes as I looked at the time, 9:45. '9:45?! Oh no I'm going to be late!' I practically yeeted myself out my bed and frantically threw on my clothes. At this point in time there was no time for anything else, so I immediately grabbed my keys and went to the car. As I started up my car I hand combed my hair in the mirror before driving off quickly. I parked in front of the station and ran inside. As soon as I entered the lobby, I saw Doggy waiting for me in front of the conference room. "Doggy!". "Hey, Dd. Where have you been? You were almost late for the case assigning.", Doggy said. "Sorry, I woke up a bit later than I met too.", I said scratching the back of my head nervously. At this Doggy sighed and gave me a smile. "That's okay! You managed to get here just in time, and hopefully Mr.Lion will let you do something exciting this time." "I hope so.", I said with a smile. Doggy entered with me following after him into the room full of desks, where at the end of the room the head officer Lion. He stood in front of the board, which was covered with missing posters and post-its. "Good morning everyone, as you may have heard as of recently, people have been disappearing.", he said. "So far we have gotten 3 cases, with the only leads being anonymous testimonies of their last known locates." 'Anonymous?' "Three of you are assigned with gathering evidence as to these disappearances, which are, Kaimaster625, Jellydough, Ddblack0418." "What?!", I said aloud in shock. Mr.Lion looked up at me with a confused expression, "Is something wrong Ms.Black?" "No, not at all Mr.Lion sir, I won't let you down.", I said eagerly as I took the case file in hand and retreated from the room. After exiting the room I couldn't help but jump up and down and squeal with delight. 'My first major case! This is so exciting!' "Congrats on your first major case Dd!", Doggy said as he walked out of the room. "Thanks, Doggy! I'm really excited to start this case.", I said. "Yeah, but...." Doggy faltered. "What's wrong, Doggy?", I asked "Dd, what if something happens to you, i don't want you to get hurt.", He said with a whine. "I'll be okay Doggy, I'm fully capable of defending myself, anyways I'm just going to check for clues, what's the worse that could happen?" "I know, Dd... just call me if anything goes wrong, please." "Ok, I promise." Doggy smiled, "In that case I shouldn't hold you any longer.", He said scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, I should probably get going", I said walking up to the door, "I'll be back later Doggy, I promise!", I said waving to him as I left out the door.


As Dd walked towards her squad car, she didn't notice a figure walk past her towards the police station. Doggy, on the other hand, saw the figure as clear as day and walked outside to see him. They walked until both stood in front of the station doors. The figure was the first to speak,"Well, Doggy it's been a while.", They spoke. Doggy farrowed his eye brows, staring daggers into the figure. "Cut the pleasantries we need to talk.", He growled. "Why of course, but couldn't we conversate in a area a bit more private?" Doggy looked around and saw some of his fellow officers staring at them. "*Sigh* Follow me."

Dd's POV:

I sat in my squad car excitedly as a took a quick look at my file.

I sat in my squad car excitedly as a took a quick look at my file

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'Alright, I just need to drive to the address, no problem.', I thought to myself as I drove away from the station.

********1 hour later*********
I drove up to a house in the middle of practically no where. There were no close by neighbors and everything was quiet. I climbed up out my car and in front of the house. "Well, this is the last place that George Piggy was last seen.", I thought to myself aloud. 'Huh, I thought for sure that there would at least be some other people investigating this house from the other station. Guess I'm the first one here.'  *Snap!* I quickly left my thoughts and looked around urgently. "What was that sound!", Suddenly, I feel my head get smacked and I fell into black. It was silent for a good while, I was a bit scared in all honesty, I promised Doggy I would come back..... I opened my eyes wide and sat straight up. I immediately jumped out of the bed to notice I didn't know where I was. I looked out the one window in the room and saw my squad car parked out front. "Oh no... I've got to get out of here!", I quickly turned around to come face to see.... "Jellydough?" "Ddblack0418?" "What are you doing here?", We both asked in sync. "I was about to ask you both the same thing, a masculine voice said, as we both turned to see... "Kaimaster625?", We said in sync. 'This doesn't make any sense, I woke up in the room alone and my car is the only one in front, how did you guys...." I paused as I noticed my hand phase through Jellydough's shoulder. "Wat da?", Shouted staggering back. What is going on? Kaimaster625 looked at us  observantly, "Interesting, it seems as if we're all here but aren't." "What?", Me and Jelly asked in confusion. "We're from different timelines." "You mean like in undertale?" "Yes." "Oh." "Well that explains things a little, but..." *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* "I think we should discuss this after we get out of here.", Jelly said with urgency. We both nodded in agreement and ran out the room door. Upon exiting we were met by a young pig in a red gown. However, something about here was off. Her eyes where glowing unnaturally, this made me uneasy, and I guess it made everyone else uneasy too because we all darted along the the hall to the staircase and ran into the room where there was one table with a green key on it. 'Curious', I grabbed the key and tucked it into my pocket. Before long the Girl had come and opened the door. We immediately scattered. I managed to get around her and ran down the stairs into another hall except the door was locked. 'Dang it!', I thought quietly. I could her the Pig's footsteps nearing and I was beginning to panic. I looked at the lock and realized it was green, 'The green key!' I took the key from my pocket and opened the door to find a red key. "Guys! You need to find keys that match the color!", I shouted as I ran away from the area of which the girl came from and continued finding keys, eventually I got my hands on a hammer and used them on the planks blocking the door. Thanks to the help of everyone else, we where able to exit without much problem, especially since the girl does seem keen on leaving. "Now, can you guys explain the timeline thing. Except they where gone. ',Where did they go?' I thought confused, again. Well, I need to get back to the station. I can get help there.

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