Chapter 1 (Un-Moral)

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Livia: She's the nurse in this chapter. So far, she is also the only known female Saiyan that lives on Earth.

 So far, she is also the only known female Saiyan that lives on Earth

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On the other side of an observation deck, stood the current #1 ranking hero ALLMIGHT. Currently, she was deep in thought. She just couldn't get this strange man out of her head. He looked completely different from most of men that she had encountered in her life. Besides the ominous brown tail that was attached to the strangers body.
He held an absurd amount of muscle on his frame. Much more than she had ever seen on anyone else but herself for the last couple of year's.
???: *Sigh*...Who are you?
???: Allmight?...What is the meaning of this?! That man is solely responsible for leveling an entire CITY BLOCK in Musutafu! Yet here he is in a hospital bed. Why the HELL isn't he in a jail cell, rotting away right now?
Allmight: You need to quit jumping to conclusions Endeavor. Witness reports are already stating that it wasn't primarily his fault. He's an innocent man in all of this.
Endeavor: W-What? Who is this guy anyway? I don't think I've ever seen a man like him before either. I-Is that a tail?
Allmight: I'm still trying to figure that one out myself. There's no information on this guy whatsoever. Those people were saying that he literally just fell from the sky, and slammed right into that unoccupied building. Although, that isn't the full story.
Endeavor: Then what is?
Allmight: Well besides being found mortality wounded. He had a child with him. A paramedic told me that before he completely collapsed and blacked out, he threatened to kill them if they got any closer to his son. She said that he seemed extremely on edge, as if he was desperately trying to run from someone, or something.
Endeavor:...Where is the baby now?
Allmight: The child didn't appear to be sick or in any discomfort, so I had a nurse take him to the Nursery. She said she was gonna run some other test there. I hope he's okay. He's an adorable little shit.
Endeavor: Hmm.
While the two were talking, they failed to notice that the mysterious being was beginning to stir around in his sleep. Once he had fully come through, he had begun to survey his new surroundings entirely. Though, his mind had shifted to one thought and one thought only.
???: "Where the HELL IS MY SON?!"
In a panicked rage, the man had ripped off the cords responsible for monitoring his vitals. This action had caused the machine to flat line and alert the staff near his ICU unit. But once he tried to get up out of the bed and step onto his own two feet. His past injuries had begun to make themselves very apparent. Currently the man could be seen sitting on both knees clutching his stomach in severe pain.
Even so, despite his current predicament. He had slowly looked towards the door, and had tried to crawl towards it...He didn't make it very far.
???: GRAHHHHCK?!!?...*Hyperventilating* FUCK! What did that psychopath do to me?! GUUUUUHHH?!!? "Why couldn't she just leave us alone?"
Nurse: What the hell is going on-
The nurse did have any time to speak, because the man was currently sprawled on top of the floor. With a LOOOOOOOONG trail of blood leading back to the bed.
ALLMIGHT: HOLY SHIT!!! I'm going to get the head doctor!
Nurse: Endeavor! Get that THICC ass of yours over here! I need you to help me temporarily cauterize this wound until the Doctor can stitch it back up...Again.
Endeavor: Grr...If it'll shut him up, FINE!


10 minutes later:

                          10 minutes later:

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???: *Sigh*...Thank god that's over.
D/N: Your telling me! I had to heat a fucken middle just to pierce your fucken skin. No wonder you aren't dead yet. Your one tough son of a bitch, I'll tell you that.
???: *Chuckles* Thanks Doc. Ironic thing is, you aren't that far off with that kind of statement. Especially the son of a bitch, part.
Endeavor: So, what do they call you stranger?
Xicor: Oh, my apologies. Names Xicor!
Allmight: Where are you from?
Xicor: Not form here obviously. Though for the sake of simplicity. Let's just say I'm from another dimension. Now...CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHERE MY SON IS?!
Endeavor: Ahhh?! My fucken ears! Did you really have to scream like that?
Xicor: *Sternly* How would you react if your child's life was on the line?
Endeavor: Uh...mmmmm.
Allmight: "WOW, that's the fastest I've ever seen her shut up."
D/N: Uh, did he have white spiky hair with blue highlights?
D/N: Alright, great! Worry not my friend. I had Jen monitoring him upon arrival. She ran some test, and they all came back negative. He seemed hungry, so she said she would try to feed him while I was over here.
Xicor:...Which means?
D/N: That's he's still in the Nursery. Let me go get you a wheelchair so we can head over to the other wing now.
Xicor: *PSSH* I don't need a wheelchair Doc, se-


Xicor: *Inhale/Exhale* On second thought...A wheelchair doesn't sound half bad right about now.
Endeavor: Fucken retard.
   So, after picking up Xicor off of the ground...again. And placing him onto a wheelchair, the group had set off to the Nursery, that was located on the other side of the Hospital. However on the way there, Xicor started to pick up two energy signatures. One that was very small, but potent, definitely his son's. The other one though, there was something very unique about it.
   Xicor knew for a fact that whatever it was, it was a Saiyan...But he didn't know if it was possible for other Saiyans to be here as well. He'd be lying to himself if he said that he wasn't a little worried about this discovery. But all his worries had instantly vanished when his eyes had finally landed on his son's sleeping frame. The very infant was currently being cradled in one of the nurses arm's, while she was filling out paperwork at her desk.
   Xicor also noticed that she was admitting a strange humming sound out of her mouth. It sounded loud, yet peaceful, sweet, and nourishing at the same time. Yet the woman had very distinct features that remained him of a...Saiyan. From her black spiky hair, lean muscular frame, and the end of a brown tail that was hanging out of the lower left side of her uniform. The nurse in question, felt like she was being stared at from a distance, so she started looking around until her eyes had landed on Xicor himself.
   After a couple seconds of starting deep into each other's eyes. She had gotten up out of her seat and made way over to Xicor and the others.
D/N: Ah, Livia. How's the baby doing?
Livia: He's doing just fine sir. He ate a lot more than the other babies, but he filled himself up eventually.
Livia: *Chuckles*...So...I take it that your his father?

Chapter (1): End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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