Tip:1/You will get more wool shearin a sheep than killing it.
Tip:2/you can get moshroom stew by right clicking on a mooshroom cow with a bowl.
Tip:3/If you are poisend drink a bucket of milk! It also wears of any potion effects.
Tip:4/You can get more loot by enchanting your sowrd with the enchantment "looting"
Tip:5/Drink an fire restistance potion and you are imune
To lava and fire!
Tip:6/Throw your stuff at a cactus And your stuff dissapere!
Tip:7/kill an enderman easier by hitting his legs/feet so it's harder for him to telleport.
Tip:8/It is impossible. To shoot an enderman with an arrow!
Tip:9/it takes 24 ingots of diamond /iron/gold/leather/to create a full set of armour.
Tip:10/lapiz Lazui is as rare as diamond.
Hope you learned something new Bye And Plz follow me.