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Thursday, April 2
1 p.m.

"Baaaabe get uppp. I wanna go get food." Kaitlyn said, pestering me.

"Babe please I had a fucking rough couple days just go get food without me."

"I would've left already if I didn't want you to come with me. C'mon let's goooo. I wanna actually spend time with you". Okay, she can actually be sweet when she wants to be.

"Fine, fine. Just let me get dressed."

"Good!" She said bubbly, prancing out the bedroom doorway. Even though I'd just woken up, I felt more exhausted than before.

I took a quick shower and got dressed before meeting Kait in the kitchen.

"Let's go!" She said, practically dragging me out the door.


We went to a nice little bakery in the middle of town, and were currently sitting in a booth sharing a large pastry. Suddenly my phone buzzed, catching me off guard. It's was Jorge.

J: hey Benji. You seemed upset yesterday and I wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm having a lil get together at 3.. I sent you the address if you would like to come. Wish you the best 💕

Shit. I was supposed to spend the day with Kait but maybe it would be better to clear things up with Jey. We both know that's not the reason you're going. Shush. I checked the time; 2:51?? SHIT.

"Sorry Kait I forgot that I had to do something be back at the hotel later, bye!" I said, rushing to get to my feet and out the door, having already ordered an Uber to take me to this place. Once I was in the Uber I messaged Jey.

B: I'll meet you there



I walked up the steps to a mansion like house, I admired the decor on the front of the house. I rang the door bell as it didn't look like many people were there yet.

The door opened almost immediately to Jorge standing before me.

"Hey." He said shyly.


He stepped aside to let me walk in, so I brushed past him and looked at the large rom in front of me. Damn, it was nice.

"Who's place is this?"

"It's mine." I turned around where I was at to face him.

"Oh uh, I thought-"

"Benji there's no one coming over."


"I said that so that you would come.. I know you never miss party's. I wasn't sure if you'd come otherwise.." he looked down sadly. I walked over to him and brushed some hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear.

"I would've come either way.." I whispered, looking into his eyes.

"Come on let's do something"


"Just come on!"


Three hours later and I'm in his kitchen helping him bake cupcakes. We had just placed them in the oven. I couldn't deny that I was having the time of my life, just hanging out with him. I noticed I had some of the cupcake batter on my hand.

"Jey guess what"

"Wha-" I interrupted him by putting the batter on his nose.

"You little.." He said laughing. He picked up some left over batter and placed it on my mouth.

"You're gonna get it kitten." I said softly into his ear, running my hand up his side. He pulled away from me and ran across the room.

"Gotta catch me first!"

"I'm gonna get you"

"No you aren't" I chased him around the room and we ended up outside in his backyard, chasing each other around. Finally we lost our breath and went back inside. He took the now baked cupcakes and placed them on a rack to cool.

"Come here" he took my hand and lead me back outside onto his patio, where there were colorful lights and a hot tub. I watched as he stripped down to his boxers and got into the hot tub.

"Get in!" He said splashing me.

"O-okay.." I stripped as well, and cautiously placed myself in the hot tub, relishing in the bubbling water that soothed my cold skin against the crisp air.

He took a deep breath and swam over to me. He gently straddled me, making my dick threaten a boner. He wrapped his arms around my neck and looked at me for a moment.



"Jey I'm sober now. And you're supposed to get married in two days."

"I- I know.."

"Then why are you still on top of me?" He looked away from me with tears in his eyes, beginning to move off. My eyes softened.

"Hey, Jey it's okay. It's not that I don't want you there." He just looked at me, a single tear burning down his cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb, caressing his cheek with it.

"I just don't wanna ruin this whole thing for you. If we went through with any of this, then it will change everything. You could lose so much kitten.."

"Everything thats happened these last couple days though, you coming? It's made me rethink practically everything."

"Then why not call off the wedding honey?"

"I- I don't know. But, I do know one thing.. that I don't want to lose you again.."

"I don't wanna lose you either, but I can't be here if you're marrying someone else Jey."

"God, this is all so confusing."

"Yeah, I agree. But if you want it to be simpler, you have to make one choice.." he looked at me daringly. "Him, or me." I sighed and got out of the hot tub.

"Wha- where are you going?!" Jorge asked frantically, chasing me out.

"I'm leaving Jeyjey."


"Because I feel wrong doing this. I don't know about you but I don't want to be the reason you lose these things.. not unless you know that that is what you want. Bye Jorge." I said, leaving him behind as I shut the door.


Hii baes. Sorry for all the time skips and this chapter being bad. I rewrote it like three times and didn't really get the outcome I wanted but I got my point across so.. also sorry this wasn't out when I said it would be. 🥺 luv u

April 2, 2020.
Word count: 1040

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