Snow White's Identity- part 2

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10 minutes. There was a knock on the door and Dr Cromwell spun around. Quickly straightening up and running a hand through her hair and fringe, she cleared her throat. Walking over to the door, she took a deep breath and smiled her most welcoming smile, only to have it fall away when she realised who it was.

'Oh. It's you Jermaine,' she sighed.

'I brought you that coffee you asked for Dr. Cromwell,' said Jermaine with a ridiculous hopeful smile on his face.

'Yes, well, just leave it by the table,' waved Dr Cromwell.

'The queen should be coming shortly,' informed Jermaine as he placed the tray on the table by the couch.

'I am well aware of that thank you,' replied Dr Cromwell. Her patience with her assistant was wearing thin.

'You know Dr. Cromwell. It is a Friday night and I was thinking, when you're finished with the Queen, if you wanted, perhaps we could go out sometime for dinner,  if you wanted I mean?' Oh God, thought Dr Cromwell, not this again. Turning towards the window so that her back was facing Jermaine, Dr Cromwell pursed her lips.

'For the last time Jermaine, I do not date secretaries,' she answered stressing every syllable to ensure he understood every word.

'That's not what you said one month ago,' replied Jermaine. Dr Cromwell didn't have to turn around to see that he had a confused expression on his face and that she had hurt him.

'I could have you fired for saying that. Leave. Now,' demanded Dr Cromwell in a voice that was more like a hiss. It's true that just one month ago, she had been very keen on her secretary, but a lot can happen in one month. Somewhere during that time she decided that he was beneath her. She was a doctor for God's sake, and if she couldn't marry a man of noble blood then she wouldn't marry at all and that was something that Jermaine was going to have to deal with.

5 minutes. Dr Cromwell hoped that the session with the Queen wouldn't last too long. She had plans tonight and she hoped that she could get to them as quickly as possible. There was this one guy she's had her eyes on and if all went well tonight, then she will meet up with him and hopefully take their relationship on from there.

Suddenly there was another knock on the door. There was no mistaking who that was now. Outside the door, came Jermaine's voice as he announced the Queen's arrival.

'Queen Snow White.' Queen Snow White entered the room and upon seeing Dr Cromwell, smiled such a sweet beautiful smile, it almost took Dr Cromwell's breath away.

'Dr Cromwell,' sighed the queen as she took her fur coat off and placed it on the coat hanger. Most Queens would have waited for their coat to be taken off them but Snow White was so ordinary in her manners and customs, one would think she wasn't Queen at all.

'Your Majesty, welcome,' smiled back Dr Cromwell.

'That will be all,' said the queen to her guards who stood next to her. They bowed out and closed the door behind them.

'Please sit down. Make yourself as comfortable as you can your Majesty. Would you prefer coffee or tea?' asked Dr Cromwell when they sat down opposite each other with the tea table between them.

'Tea please; two sugars and no milk, thank you,' answered Snow White as she took in every detail of Dr Cromwell's office.

'You're very welcome your Majesty,' replied Dr Cromwell pouring herself some coffee.

'I would prefer it if you commenced straightaway. I've never been to one of these before but I would like it over and done with as soon as possible. My husband is waiting for me to return, you see,' said Snow White.

'Oh of course, your Majesty,' smiled Dr Cromwell. It looks like I'm going to get out early after all, she thought. 'So tell me your Majesty, right at the beginning. What made you leave your castle?'

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