Awakening Elements

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Both the principal and vice principal looked dumbfounded, they couldn't believe that Carmil would lower her self to others.

To think that Razy's strenght would surpassed their expectations to the point that Carmil would swear loyalty with her own will.

‘This Razy is really not a normal person. Do you think that we really need to send a guard to protect him? Even Carmil would be willing to become Razy's dog in fear of him.’ Vice principal said to the principal in whisper.

‘I don't really think that we need to guard him and Carmil’s action proved that Razy is not to be messed with. We don't know his secret and it's better not to know for our own sake.

Principal whisper back while slightly trembling, even the rank 1 would not be able to make Carmil in that kind of state. I don't want to accept this but, I don't see a reason for Razy to study here in the academy anymore.

He's powerful already and I don't see any weakness in him, unless there's a reason behind this. Maybe Dimph Sympon knows this, we better ask her for more details as to why did she requested to enroll the kids here.

I hope it's not something that could harm Stradons City.’ While principal Helber was confused, the vice principal cut his next word.

Mr. Principal don't forget about those girlfriends of Razy, they also have a monstrous streght. You don't know this but the both of them grip the wrist of Rofren Stein, it is because Rofren strangled Razy that made them do that.

I told them to stop after seeing what they're doing and tried to loosen the girls grip but surprisingly, I can't even moved their hands even at my 70% power, I think this is really serious Mr. Principal.’

‘So that's why they know that I'm in the ceiling even though I used a world's treasure to hide my presence, still they could se through me. It's surprising that there are people like the three of them in Stradons city.’ After the whispering, the both of them became serious.

“Okay, if you're done you can go now to Elemental Awakening room and awaken your element.”

“Thank you Mr. Principal, we're going to leave first then, Carmil please lead the way.”

Carmil hurriedly respond to Razy. “Yes master I'll lead the way.”

“Please don't call me master just call me Razy, I feel awkward when you call me that.” Carmil instinctly call Razy Master. “Ok master I'll call you brother if that's alright with you?”

Razy agreed to Carmil, he has a feeling that she won't call him by his name. “Alright, can we go now?”

Carmil hurriedly respond with a salute. “Yes brother, let's go now.”


Elemental Awakening Room

This is the biggest room in EMA with a size of 6,000 square meters that could fit a thousand people. It has 3 different kinds of section each section have different purposes, it is to measure the spiritual power, soul power and awaken elements.

Section 1 is for spiritual powers. The tools to measure the spiritual power is like a big thermometer, there's a number from 1 - 2000 and just need to touch the stone to start measuring.

Section 2 is for soul power. The tools to measure the soul power is just like the measuring tool of Section 1.

Section 3 is for awakening the elements.The tool to measure the elements is a big colorless orb.




Fire Element - Red Aura
Water Element - Blue Aura

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