Chater 2

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Alec's POV
I sat there dazed as Magnus left. I couldn't help but think did that really happen. No one had so blatantly flirted with me before. To my amazement, I liked it. I started thinking about by own response to him. I usually don't get so flustered and blush like I did when he spoke to me. No one ever captured my attention like he had. And when he whispered in my ear, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and shivers went down my spine. I was feeling a little overwhelmed. I didn't quite know how to handle it all. This was all so new to me. I was brought out of my whirlwind of thoughts when I realized Jace was snapping his fingers in front of my eyes and saying, "Earth to Alec."
I looked at him and said, "Oh sorry Jace. What did you say?"
Jace chuckled, "Man has someone got it bad."
I looked down and replied, "I don't know what you mean."
"There's nothing to be ashamed of Alec," Izzy said softly placing her hand on mine. "It's obvious you two are attracted to each other. You guys kept staring at each other the whole time. I thought it was cute."
"I don't know," I sighed "he could just be trying to get me to model in your class project."
"Alexander Gideon Lightwood!" She  said looking sternly at me. "Why is it you never think anyone can find you attractive? After all,"she smiles "you are my twin. We have the same gorgeous hair and skin after all. Plus those pretty blues eye could hypnotize anyone."
I just smile and shake my head. Izzy always did know how to make me laugh.
"In all seriousness,"Izzy continued. "He's a nice guy. If nothing else just text him and talk. See what happens. You could always ask him what modeling for our project would entail."
"She's right you know," Jace interjected. "what have you got to lose? Give yourself a chance to have fun and be happy."
"All right all right," I say raising my hands in mock defeat. "I'll think about it." I look at my watch noticing the time and say," We better get moving if we don't want to be late for family dinner." Then grabbing our book bags, we headed for home.
I'm sitting in my room trying to get my homework done, but all I can think of is Magnus and his damn hypnotic brown eyes. I have this feeling deep down that he could make me or brake me. The thought both thrilled and terrified me in equal measure. Jace sticks his head in and says that dinner is ready. I make my way to the dining room and take my seat. Dad looks at me with a face I can't make out. He asks me,"How's your accounting class going? You have Prof. Penhallow do you not?"
"Yes sir," I answer. "She seems to be fair and knows the subject matter very well,"
"Good I'm expecting nothing short of an A in that class. She's a good family friend and I don't want you to embarrass the family." He states.
I look down at my plate and reply, "I understand sir."
"Robert," my mother cuts in. "Give the boy a break. You've seen how hard he works and what grades he gets. Now let's just eat and enjoy each other's company. Tell me Isabelle how is school going for you?"
Izzy, looking directly at me, gives a wicked grin and says, "Actually I have a runway show project due next month and Magnus thinks Alec would be a perfect model for our show."
I shoot her a I'm gonna kill you glare.
"Very nice sweetheart. And who is this Magnus?" Mom asks.
"Oh he's just my partner on the project." Izzy answers casually.
Out of the blue my dad just blurts out,"Absolutely not!"
We all just turn and look at him. Before I know it without thinking I ask,"why not?"
My mother puts her hand on father's and gently says,"Why not indeed dear. This is for a school project not some Calvin Kline ad in Times Square."
I can't help but smile and say,"Exactly father. This is for Izzy's school. We're Lightwoods after all. Are we not suppose to help each other succeed? Who better than her big brother."
Izzy coughs hiding a laugh. My father still looks unhappy but concedes knowing he has no argument against our point. Jace just sits there hiding a smirk hoping not to be noticed. The dinner conversation goes much more smoothly and we relax and enjoy each other even if it's only for the moment. When dinner is over Jace and I help clean up and load the dishwasher. Jace leans against the counter and says, "You know you're gonna have to tell them sometime."
Trying to pretend I don't know what he's talking about I say,"Say what to whom."
Giving me his don't BS me look he chides, "Really Alec! You're gonna make me say it aren't you. Tell mom and dad your gay."
I stand there quiet for a minute trying to word what I want to say. I then look up at Jace and say,"You know I can't. Mom might, might mind you understand and accept me. Dad," I sigh,"dad would go ballistic. You know he would. Dad expects me to marry some appropriate debutant and have children to carry on the precious Lightwood name like we were royalty or something. I'm scarred he would disown me in a heartbeat. Where would I go? All I have are you and Izzy."
"But you know you have a trust fund from grandpa, you can use it to start a new life. You won't lose Izzy and me" Jace says.
"Maybe," I counter "I need to look and see if dad has any authority over it first."
Placing his hands on my shoulders, Jace gently says,"I just want you to be happy Alec. You deserve it. "Then turns and leaves the kitchen.
I walk upstairs to my room and try to read my favorite book A Tale of Two Cities. I know, what can I say. I love the classics. As I'm reading, Izzy comes bouncing into the room and sits on my bed.
Raising my eyebrow I look at her and ask, "Don't you ever knock?"
"Oh don't be such a grumpy cat, "she pouts. "besides I wanted to apologize for what happened at dinner. I'm afraid my little joke about you being a model set dad off."
"Don't worry about it Izzy," I reassure her. "You know how dad is. I was raised to take over the business and he's making sure I do."
With a tremor in her voice she whispers, "But I know you don't want that life. I hate that you'll be so miserable." She lays her head on my shoulder.
I respond, "I don't have much of a choice," and lay my head against hers.
Softly she replies, "We always have a choice big brother. I just hope you see that soon." She then gets up, hugs me, and quietly leaves my room.

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