Chapter 17

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Magnus's POV
The past couple of weeks have busy. We got Alexander all moved in finally. He has also been spending a lot of time at the archery range for extra practice. I suspect it is because of the NCAA tournament and to help relieve some stress. I hear Alexander come in and tell him I'm in the living room. He joins me laying on the couch and putting his feet on my lap.
"Thanksgiving break has started. Do you have anything in mind?" He asks.
"Not really." I answer. "Just thought about going to mom's. Why? What's on your mind?"
"I just thought now that we are living together we should start making our own traditions." He says shyly.
"Sounds more than reasonable. What are you thinking?" I gently ask?
"Well," he continues " We could invite everyone here. You could smoke a turkey. I would make some mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn. My mom is an excellent baker. We could ask her to bring a couple of pies. Izzy and Simon can bring rolls and wine. Jace and Clary can bring green bean casserole and yams. Your mom could bring the dressing. That way everyone does a little something and everyone we love is here and together."
"I love it. I'll talk to mom to see if she's up for it." I reassure him.
I call mom.
Maria - Hey sweetheart! How are you doing?
Magnus- I'm great. I'm actually calling to invite you to have thanksgiving dinner here. We are planning on inviting Alexander's family as well so we both can be with our families.
Maria - That sounds wonderful. What can I do or bring?
Magnus - Actually, I was kinda hoping you would bring your famous dressing. You know how much I love it.
Maria - Consider it done. I'll be there about 10am Thursday morning.
Magnus - Perfect! See ya then momma.
As I hung up the phone, Alexander was talking with his mother. Alexander smiled as he hung up the phone. "She loved the idea. Everything is set. I already texted Jace and Izzy so they know what to bring. Since Alexander loves classics, we snuggled up and watched The Godfather I&II. Then turned in for the evening.
Alec's POV
I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. I walk in to see Magnus cooking. He had already put out fresh berries, yogurt, and some orange juice on the table. He was making my favorite breakfast. I hug him from behind and ask, "What's all this?"
"I figured you would probably spend most of the morning if not the whole day at the archery range for practice. So I thought I would make you your favorite breakfast to fuel you." He smiles.
I kiss him on the tender spot on his neck and ask, "Would you like to go with me? You can help me by distracting me a little so I can learn to better focus and shut off the noise around me."
"Hmmm now that sounds fun." He replies with a wicked grin.
At the archery range Magnus keeps taking to me, playing loud music, almost anything he can think of to distract me. He suddenly stands behind me. Ignoring him still I continue to shoot. He then starts to kiss and bite my neck as well as play with my ass. I obviously miss the target and I can feel Magnus smile.
"You're not playing fair." I say breathlessly.
He whispers in my ear, "Who said anything about playing fair? You said to distract you, nothing about limits or playing fair. By the way you missed the target and by telling just how aroused you are, I think I succeeded."
"You are evil. You know that right?" I say smiling.
"Being naughty can be fun angel." He smirked.
I grab his hand and pull him to the locker room.
"Where are we going?" He asks.
"To the locker room to finish what you started naughty boy. You're just as aroused as I am and I'm not waiting til we get home." I tell him.
He laughs and says, "I see I'm not the only naughty one here."
I smile and reply, "What can I say? I learned from the master."
It's 8am on Thanksgiving morning and we're awaken by constant knocking on our front door. Magnus and I both answer it to find our mothers on the other side.
"What's going on?" Magnus asks. "I thought you two weren't coming til 10."
"Change of plans." Maryse says.
"We're taking over the cooking." Maria said. Then they come in bringing in all sorts of supplies.
"Have you started the turkey yet? Maryse asked.
"No not yet." Magnus answered.
"Good we'll take care of that too. Now you boys go get dressed while we set out breakfast. Everyone else will be here in a minute." Maria said.
Magnus and I just look at each other confused and knowing better than to argue with our moms.
"Well? What are you two waiting for? Get going." Maryse laughed.
When we walked out of the bedroom we find that our moms have put out muffins, pastries, orange juice, and coffee out in the living room for breakfast. Simon and Izzy was in the living room as well getting the tv ready to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Jace was walking in carrying a box.
"What's with the box Jace?" I asked him. Mom spoke up and said "Oh since you boys decided to start hosting Thanksgiving, I figured I would give you my thanksgiving china. Bring it in here please Jace. Now you guys go in the living room with everybody and have breakfast. We already have the turkey in the oven so we'll join you in a minute."
We all sat around and watched the parade and visited. I got to know Simon more and am really impressed. He's studying chemical engineering and he let me listen to a couple of his band's songs and they were really good. Once the parade was over our moms went back into the kitchen. Some national dog show came on that the girls wanted to watch so we guys played some cards. For lunch we had turkey and dressing, roasted potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes with brown sugar, green bean casserole, and corn. Our moms has the girls load the dishwasher and the boys wash the pots and pans. Once everything was clean, we gathered to watch some football in the living room. At halftime we all had some pie and coffee. The moms went back into the kitchen to put away the food. They were in there a while. I couldn't help but wonder what they were up to.
I turned to Magnus and said, "I don't know if I like this our moms getting along so well. What if they're planning our wedding or thinking about grandkids?" Evidently I said this a little too loud because next we see them both peak the heads out of the kitchen. Maryse says, "Is a spring wedding ok with you two?" Maria chimes in and asks, "When are we getting grandchildren by the way?"
Everyone dies laughing while Magnus and I turn red. As mom gets ready to leave she gives everyone a turkey pot pie she made with her left over dough and leftovers from the meal today. She said it was just as easy if not easier than trying to put away all the leftovers. Magnus and I thank and hug both our moms as they leave. After the football game ends, the girls make sure everything is clean and put away. We hug everyone bye. After they all leave, I kiss Magnus and say "I'm glad we did this. This has been the best Thanksgiving I can remember."

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