Chapter 6

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My eyes squinted open to the quiet room. It was still dark, which meant it was still night time. I huffed out a sigh as I rolled over to grab my phone and check the time. I grimaced as I turned the screen on, closing my eyes out of reflex . Then I squinted them back open to adjust to the light of the screen. It was 5:00 AM. I had to admit, I was a little surprised. I thought it would be earlier because of jet-lag but I guess I was pretty worn out. Perhaps I could sleep till morning? Though, I knew that I couldn't go back to sleep now. I was too awake. So I sat there for a little bit before finally getting up.

I turned on the nightstand light and looked about the room before heading to the door to get my suitcase. I felt disgusting in part that I stubbornly didn't take a shower the day before I was leaving for South Korea. I just felt... not clean-- filthy. So, I grabbed my bathing kit and headed for the bathroom. Of course, it was covered in dust as well and I gawked at the curtain-less tub for a good solid minute before accepting the fact that my room was literally ransacked. I mean, not like it was my room when it was ransacked, but still.

So I took a shower, making a mess of the bathroom while I was at it. I mean, that's what happens when a shower doesn't have a curtain. Luckily, the bathroom still had two towels, and, after I dried myself, I used them to soak up the water that had gotten all over the bathroom. When I got the restroom situated the best I could, it was 6:03 AM.

I was changed into a cozy white tank top and baggy pants as I hopped onto the bed and opened up a local news app on my phone. I was surprised to see it worked here in South Korea (I guess it works world-wide). So I scrolled through and found a live broadcast that I tuned up while I began roaming through my suitcase for the microwavable noodles I'd bought. I was hungry and I was not going to wait for the guys to get up. Plus, I didn't feel like getting lost in this place just to find a kitchen with some food.

The broadcast was in Korean but I understood for the most part.

"Today marks the beginning of the rewards show IDOL-1 as famous Kpop groups from all around South Korea join in to participate in this competitive event," a news reporter spoke.

"That's right, Chin," another reporter began, "Famous idol group and the nation's largest boy group, ARC-1 will be participating in the nation-wide event to keep there place number one in the charts."

Wait, what?

I spun around and walked back over to my phone as I saw the picture of the seven boys I'd met yesterday displayed on the screen. They were huddled together in a group photo-- smiles plastered on their faces. I wasn't surprised to find Jee there with a neutral expression but I was in shock to see that In had a smile on his face which I found very off.

"It seems they will have some tough competition with the group Bluesun and Pop-Four coming in close behind in popular ranking-- both groups from FH Entertainment," the reporter continued as the photo faded away.

I tossed my phone back onto the bed letting the broadcast continue to play as I finally pulled out the microwavable noodles from my bag. It was odd that I'd never been aware of ARC-1 until now. It's like everywhere I looked, it was them. And now they were participating in a nation-wide event?

I brushed the thoughts from my mind as I stuck the noodles into the microwave, focusing my attention back onto the broadcast. I was hoping to hear more of the snip-it I'd heard before-- my curiosity getting the best of me-- but the news anchors had already moved onto a different topic I wasn't interested in. I sighed before the ding of the microwave signaled that my noodles were done. Despite not wanting to get lost in the building, I found myself hovering towards the door to the hallway, noodles in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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