Chapter nine - Black-Market

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Charlotte placed the fifth cup of coffee and sat down next to a pale, lean male with startling green eyes, brushing her arm against his. "Jay?" She exclaimed, immediately springing back up.

"Cee?" He replied, equally surprised.

Across the table, a third person let out a gasp before turning to Lilia, "You didnt tell me your sister was Cee!"

"I didn't think it was relevant that she races, Brandon!"

"Wait, Brandon, Don? The pathetic racer from earlier this week," Charlotte mused, "Jay, thats how you knew him!"

"Anyway, can we get back on topic?" Hunter, who Charlie assumed was the leader of the group, said motioning at the map.

"Just one more thing, whats Jay short for?"


"Knew it! Okay, now would anyone like to enlighten me?"

"How much exactly has Lia told you?" Brandon huffed, still butthurt from Charlies remark about his racing.

"I didnt tell her everything yet," Lilia interrupted before Charlotte had the chance to speak.

"But yesterday you said..." The smirk on Charlies face was gone.

"I only told you a small part because you couldn't handle everything last night, there are also some things I need to explain to the rest of you guys," Lilia ran a hand through her hair.

"The raid can wait, why don't we fill everyone in on everything first?" Hunter suggested, folding the maps and taking a sip from his coffee.

"Why dont you start with why youre here?" A friendly voice came from the corner of the room.

"Yeah, they're right, we dont actually know why you and Charlotte came," Heather, her name written across her sweatshirt, encouraged.

"Charlie, you know most of this part." Charlotte gave a weak smile of encouragement as Lilia began.

"Well, as most of you know, Charlie and Is mom is in Londons Hospital for the Mentally Unstable, but I havent really explained why,|" Lia inhaled slowly, "she killed our father."

There were a few quiet gasps as people shifted in their seats and Charlotte sat back down into hers. Hunter didnt react and instead nodded at Lilia reassuringly.

"At least we thought she did, until, well Hunter called me to tell me our father has put a target on mine and Charlies backs and wants us dead. Naturally, I was confused and asked if he was sure, at this point I still thought it was his head our mother put a bullet into. Of course, we still cant see our mother because shes in too bad a state, so I borrowed Charlies ID and went down to the morgue."

"You took my student ID?" Lotte exclaimed.

"I'm sorry sis but seriously, if I hadnt, we would most probably be dead by now!"

"Okay, whatever, carry on," Charlotte huffed.

"Well the Medical Examiner seems to know you well enough to realise I wasnt you, but I explained our situation and he gave me access to the file on whoever our mom shot."

"That's actually really smart," Jayden commented.

"Oh, thanks," she laughs, "anyway, there were photos attached to the file of the body, and as much as I would rather forget, I remember what my father looks like to the very last detail, but the man in the photos wasnt him, all the information there was about our dad but the body wasnt his."

"Okay, well, do we know whose body is in the ground then?"

"Yeah, well, not entirely but Devon's bringing a box, it has the printed file along with all of moms things, were going to have to finally go through them and try putting a name to the face."

"Why does your father want you dead though?" Heather's cloudy voice asked.

Lilia glances at Charlotte, who decides to explain, "You see when we were younger we werent really aware of what exactly our father was doing, we just knew not to upset him and to do as he says, no questions asked. He was mentally and physically abusive and quite frankly, although sometimes he was pleasant to be around, more often than not I hated the thought of being around him. Over the past few years, Ive done a fair bit of research on him and it turns out he was or is I guess, involved with some black-market business."

"Such as?"

"Like, uhm, assassinations, money laundering. Illegal things, Im not entirely sure what but we have all of the information, well Lil has it," Cee motions to her sister who reveals a necklace with a large pendant.

"This is actually a USB, this is what hes after, its all encrypted and we dont know how to access it, thats where I was hoping you could help, Rowan?" As Lilia says this, the person from the corner stands up and leaves the room, shortly after re-entering with a bulky laptop bag.

"For sure, pass me the USB and I'll start on it now," Rowan remarked, walking over to Lilia who detached the USB drive from its casing in the pendant.

After a moment passed of everyone processing the information, the sound of a motorcycle pulling up was heard. Everyones attention turned to the front door as there were two distinctive knocks. Hunter stood up and cautiously walked up to the door, peering through the peephole and finally opening the numerous locks.

A beautiful redhaired girl walks in holding an overflowing brown cardboard box with a motorcycle helmet balanced atop it. "Sweet ride youve got newbie," she said, flashing a smile and throwing the helmet to Charlotte – its rightful owner.

"You must be Devon," Charlie replied, catching the helmet and nodding at the girl.

"That's me, a pleasure to meet you Cee," she exclaimed setting down the box.

"How do you know my race name?"

"Oh, honey we all watch your races, well that and you and my sister, Vivian are friends."

"Hey, why didnt you mention Viv was your sister before?" Jay pipes in.

"Never came up," she shrugged.

"Holy hell, Lilia how did you meet these people? They all seem to be related to my races!"

"We'll get to that later; we need to look through the files now."

As everyone bar Rowan gathered around the box and began taking things out, Charlie grabbed a hold of the main file and practically tore out the photographs.

"Lilia, this is Adam Jackstone!" Charlotte gasped.

"Adam? The one who mom would have over when dad was away?"

"Yeah, they were having an affair, mom was going to leave dad for him!"



Well I am officially the worst at updating regularly, sorry guys, I had awful writers block for ages! I'll try updating more regularly from here on out!

Characters in this chapter:

Charlotte/Cee/Charlie/Lotte Hunt

Lilia/Lia Hunt







Adam Jackstone (Photographed)


song for this chapter-

Lost On You - LP

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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