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After a great shower, I notice the sun burned my skin. Brilliant. I put on a dress, which I never do but jeans make me burn worst, I go down to find them all in the living, laughing at some probably bad joke Harry made.

-Who are you and what have you done to my sister?!- Niall jokes and even though Liam slaps his head, I give him the finger.

-The sun made this! I AM HOT! - I say smirking just to piss Niall and I notice the boys are staring at me. I would be nervous but I'm over that. Harry whistles and Zayn punches him.

-Leave her alone, dude- Zayn pouts and Harry grabs his arm mocking pain. I laugh and kiss Zayn's head.

-Thanks, Malik- I say smiling and he replies -Your welcome, Horan- Just with the same tone. I grab my phone and notice a text from Ģhărãm. 

She is one of my best friends. Cute, shy, and she has a massive crush on Harry though she never mentions it but we all have noticed that. Harry always treats her with respect. Yes, he can be a goof but not with Ģhărãm. I wonder if he feels something too. Martina has been flirting with Liam since ever. She's the best, pretty much a perfect match for him. I wonder why they are not together yet. Maybe Preston has something to do with that. I should talk to him. I feel like Cupid! Anyways, I read the text:

> Coming in 5! Be ready

-Oh crap! - I say it loud and the boys turn their heads. I swear a lot but this one was louder. Liam walks to me worried.

-Everything ok? Cause that one seemed worst than your usual cursing, mainly against those three!- He jokes and points Niall, Harry and Louis that throws a pillow right to him but lands on me.

-Liam! Don't move when I throw things! Man, you're exhausting! - Louis says as I catch the pillow and Liam raises an eyebrow.

-Stop doing that, lad! Then I wouldn't have to move! - He replies and even though the pillow made me burn, I laugh. Niall walks to me and places a finger on my shoulder.

-You look like a tomato! - He says with his serious worried but cute tone and I pout.

-Ouch! Don't touch me, Niall! And thanks for your accurate description- He smiles and I shake my head patting his back. Harry is laughing with Louis and Zayn walks over to Liam, Niall and me.

-Salam texted me, they are coming over and you forgot! - He says half smiling and he is right. Salam has been dating him for a month and so far they get along really well. Salam is Ģhărãm sister and part of my own group of closest friends.

-So, five of us... your friends coming over....- Harry smiles wickedly and I frown. He fools around, I will too. I sit beside him and on purpose, I let half of my leg show.

-Yes, what do you have in mind, pretty boy? - And Louis is trying not to explode laughing as Harry blushes and chokes. I can make Harry blush easily.

-Nothing!- He pouts and moves- I was just pointing a fact, jeez, you have a dirty mind, young woman!- And we all laugh. I pat his head and grin.

-Ģhărãm is coming, Styles- I whisper and the boys make a “uhhhhh” sound which makes Harry even more red. Niall mocks him throwing kisses and I walk back to Liam.

-Seriously, dude. Stop doing that or I'll think you have a thing for me! - Harry strikes right back and that was a good one so we clap. Niall frowns and grabs his guitar. Liam is about to tell me something when the door opens. The girls come in and I run to hug them.

-Lyric! - Ģhărãm grins and stops me as I'm sun burned- What happened to you? - She asks concerned as always and I shake my head.

-The sun- I shrug and after smiling to me Salam is caught by Zayn. They look great together. Salam laughs hard.

-Z! I missed you! - And Zayn pecks her lips and holds her tight.

-Me too, lady! - And he flashes his coolest smiles that melt hearts. Ģhărãm spots Harry and the air tenses. I walk backwards because I love the scene. Harry stands up.

-Hey, Ģhărãm! - Harry says and takes his hat off. Ģhărãm smiles shyly to his kind gesture.

-Good! - And when they are about to give a kiss as "HI" They accidentally kiss on each other lips. The rest of us remain in silence, eyes wide open and Niall breaks the scene with his guitar chord. Harry and Ģhărãm laugh awkwardly and when nobody is watching I give her thumbs up and she just blushes more. Liam looks around and I giggle. He's looking for her.

-She's coming, don't worry- I smile as I grab his cheek and Liam stops me laughing nervously.

Liam leans over me as everyone else is sitting down around in the living room. Salam is sitting on Zayn's lap. Ģhărãm sits beside Harry, that is talking to her about a new tattoo he wants to get and Niall is playing his guitar with Louis's fingers messing around on it.

-Liam? What's wrong? - I ask curious because he looks different.

-Do you have a minute? - He asks politely. A memory from when I lost my best friend hits me. I was supposed to be in that car but I stayed. Liam was with me when they called. Suddenly I feel cold and Liam is trying to bring me back.

-Lyric! - He says waving his hand on my face- Are you with me? - He asks and I nod. That was an intense vision. I haven't thought of her in a while.

-Sorry, yes, I'm with you, Liam- I say softly and he grabs my face sweetly.

-Good, I like that you're here with me- He says and we stare into each other eyes not on purpose.

-WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? - Preston says upset and Martina is not happy either- What do you mean you are with him, Lyric? Did I miss something? - Liam's face pales and there we go! My boyfriend and his sister are here! Let the flames begin...

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