Chapter - 8 Half day

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"Yes?" the girl turned around and looked at him questioningly.

"Oh! I am sorry. I thought you were someone else." And with that he walked back to his seat.

" What happened? You knew her?" Alex asked Liam.

"No. I just thought she looked like someone familiar."

"Familiar? To you?" Alex laughed. ''I am telling your buddy, you need a doctor because from the moment you have stepped in this company you are becoming weirder day by day. You keep women at an arm's length and now you found someone familiar. You even moved the girl who kissed you to our floor and here I had thought that you will fire her the next minute. You have become strange." Alex laughed.

"Shut up!" Liam gulped his drink in one go and started moving away. ''I have some work so you enjoy yourself and get some rest this weekend."

"You should take a break too, buddy."

Liam went to the soundproof office where he was greeted by the manager. "Bring me the records of the past 2 months."

Minutes later manager came back with files in his hands and gave them to Liam and asked if he needed anything else.

"No. That would be all."
With that the manager left.

Whenever Liam was in New York and felt restless he would come to this club. It was the first property in New York that he had bought. Watching people dancing to the loud music, moving to the beats and seeing how far he had come in the business world always eased the restlessness and brought peace to his mind. But today the feeling of restlessness was just not leaving.

He took out his phone and dialled a number which he wasn't sure if he remembered correctly.

From the other side came a very familiar and sweet voice that had been haunting his dreams since the first night he had come to New York.
"Yes? Who am I talking to?" She sounded tired.

"Ms. Evangeline." He heard some fluttering noises on the other side as if the person had dropped some files or pens on the floor.

"Mr Richardson, Is that you?"

"What are you doing right now?" he asked ignoring her question.

"Working on more than half a dozen files that you gave me and want back by Monday."
She sounded frustrated.

"Are you sure you are not outside or partying in a club?"
He could hear her taking a long deep breath as it to calm herself and then she replied in a too sweet voice,"Dear boss, with the amount of work you gave me even getting 4 hours sleep is luxury to me. Unfortunately things like clubbing or partying is way out of my reach."
Even though she said this very sweetly but he could feel the sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"You need something, Mr Richardson?"

"No. I...I don't know." he sounded confused.

"Mr Richardson, Are you drunk?"

"No. I just had a few vodka shots but...but I am not drunk."

"Ah. of course you are not but please let the driver drive you home or else I am afraid I'll have to report to you in the hospital on Monday morning and I really don't like hospitals." she said.

Liam chuckled. ''Ok. I'll remember that."

"Ok then. I'll go back to my work." With this she ended the call.
Liam looked at his phone and wondered "Why did I called her? And how could she cut on my call?'' he frowned. "Well, whatever!"

~ Monday morning~

She stood in front of CEO's office with a cup of coffee in one hand and the files she was given to work upon in the other. "I spoke so rudely that day. God! How am I supposed to face him now? He must be fuming with anger."

'Who told you to lace your voice with such sarcasm?' quipped a voice from inside her.

"May God bless me." She prayed and pushed the door open.
"Good morning, Mr Richardson."
She placed his coffee on the table followed by the files all the while trying her best to stay calm and composed. She was tired and due to lack of sleep the dark circles had appeared underneath those beautiful eyes. It was the first time that she had to use makeup to hide those dark circles.

"Good morning, Miss Rose." Liam responded

'Thank god! looks like he doesn't remember our conversation from the previous night.'
'' I have completed these files. Please take a look when you get some time and if you need anything then give me a call." she said in her business tone.

"For how long were you planning to stand at the door?" he asked.


"I asked for how long were you planning to stand at the door?"

She quickly turned around to check if the door was a one-way privacy glass. But no it was completely opaque wooden door!

"Umm.. that..." All the excuses refused to help her. 'God! How do I manage to fall in such situations? What are his eyes? X ray machine?'

"I have sent you some mails check them and reply accordingly."

"Alright." she nodded and turned around to leave.

"I don't think I asked you to leave." She heard his voice again. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at him. He had opened one of the files she had just submitted.

'Did he find a mistake that quick!? Oh come on I double checked everything and even 5 minutes haven't passed since the moment I submitted my file! Give me a break!'

"You worked hard these past few days. So I am allowing you to leave today after the lunch."

Her eyes widened in shock. "Did I misheard? May be due to lack of sleep."

''It's alright. If you don't want to leave and continue working then I have some files-"

''I accept the act of your kindness." she said quickly before he could change his mind. "It's just that I thought for the rest of my working life with you I will never get the chance to see a weekend off or have a good night sleep."

"Did you think that I was a heartless and workaholic jerk?"

"Did I said that out loud?"

"Loud enough to reach my ears. So before I change my mind I suggest you to leave."



'Did he changed his mind that quick!?'
She turned around to see what went wrong now.

"Take this coffee and do it again."

"Alright." she made his coffee again and after giving his coffee she entered her small cabin. She completed whatever work was left for her and just when it was lunch time she grabbed her bag and rushed to the lift.
''Now I'll head straight to home and just sleep for the rest of the day!'' she was happy as after days of hardwork she will finally be getting some good and much needed sleep.
When she walked out of the lift and made her way to the exit someone stopped her by her wrist.

Who is trying to come between her and her much needed sleep? 😴😂

It began with a kiss (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now