1. 'His curls are so curly'

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I have come to a miraculous conclusion; I hate shopping.

Or maybe I just hate that I let Lynn convince me to carry her bags, as well as my own. Carrying my own is fine, as I only have two bags, but Lynn has, like, six and we've only been to two shops so far. I swear, Lynn has already spent £200 today on clothes. I didn't even have £200.

Lynn's dad works as a doctor and her mom is a lawyer; you can kinda see where she gets all her money from now.

"Ooo Penney's!" Lynn squeals as she spots one of her favourite stores. Her blonde hair bounces around her shoulders. She waves her perfectly-manicured hands, showing off the bright pink nail varnish. We're only shopping, but she's wearing a pastel dress. 'Never know who you might bump into,' she had told me this morning. I'm just wearing black skinny jeans and a beige hoody with a white zipper and a pair of black converse.

I half-smile. Penney's is cheap, anyways, so maybe I can buy something half-decent. Maybe then Lynn will get off my back about my choice of clothing. Lynn does try to help me pick out nice things, but her taste is wayyy out of my price range.

Lynn grabs my arm and pulls me into the shop.


It really doesn't help that my arms are so sore, I would willingly let them fall off.

Lynn drags me straight to the aisle decked out with handbags. Her eyes light up as she spots a hot pink bag. She snatches it off the rack and throws it to me. Oh, c'mon. My hand-eye co-ordination is bad enough, not to mention my hands are full. I duck and the bag hits my head.

Did I mention the bag as glitter 'diamond' studs on the bottom?


I think I'll need to see a doctor after this.

Maybe I'll go to Lynn's dad.

I might even get a discount..

Lynn rolls her eyes at me as the bag smacks the shiny floors. Yeah, 'cause I'm the one in the wrong here.

You see, Lynn can be a good friend when she wants to be. We have these sleep-overs where we give each other make overs. Lynn knows all my secrets, we like -mostly- the same music. I think the only differences we have are the amounts in our bank accounts and our approach to cute guys.

If I like a guy, I won't say anything. Lynn, however, has no trouble in going up to him and flirting with him. I once told her she'd run any boyfriend she has dry. She hadn't gotten annoyed at, however. In fact, she agreed and said, "As long as he as money, he's my kind of guy."

We spend about two hours trapsing through the shop. Now, I have a thick woollen cardigan, a pair of jeggings and a pair of coffee-brown pumps. Lynn and I head to the check-out.

Oh shit. Crap. Oh c'mon. Why me? I mean, seriously, why? What did I do wrong?

I rummage through my battered purse that I got from my mom, but I can't find the £8 pounds I need. Shoot, shoot, shoot! And I really liked those clothes...

I shoot a pleading look to Lynn, who suddenly seems very interested in her nails.

Oh, screw you, Lynn.

Suddenly, the lady with hair extensions behind the counter shoves the bag in my face. I shoot her a very confused look. Is she letting me off?

"Your welcome," a husky voice whispers in my ear. I jump and spin around.

Oh shit.

Breathe, Soph', breathe...











"Hello? Oh, shoot, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just figured.. 'Cause I saw you didn't have enough, I just.. Shit.."







Fuck it, Soph' answer him!

"No, I, uh, thanks. You didn't have to," I force the words out. Oh gosh, I probably look really stupid. This is not the way I should be thanking Harry freaking Styles for lending me £8.

Oh gosh, his eyes are so green. His curls are so... curly.

Wow, I sound ridiculous.

"I-I'm Harry," he says sheepishly. I blush, nodding. "I-I know who you are. I'm Sophie-Anne." Harry smiles. "That's a really pretty name."

He did not just say that.

Or does he say that to everyone?

Oh, now I just feel stupid..er. Stupider? Is that a word?

Lynn, who seems to have finally noticed that I'm not at her precious side, pops up beside me and bats her eyelashes at Harry, who looks like Christmas came a month early.

As well as the disappointment that yet another guy has taken interest in Lynn, I can't help the feeling of anger swelling in my chest. I feel like a llama; y'know, the kind that spits in your face? I don't know if all llamas do that, or if it's just one kind, but it doesn't matter; I feel like a spitting llama, and I feel like spitting squat in Lynn's make-up caked face.

"Hey, you're like... Harry, right? From One Direction?" Lynn asksinnocently. Oh, for crying out loud! She knows who he is. Even the lady behind the check-out knows who he is. And you know what ticks me off most? You wanna know?

Lynn hates One Direction's music.

*cue loud booing and tomato-throwing*

I know for a fact that Lynn is only flirting with Harry because he's Harry Styles, world-famous singer and extremely rich.

*cue pissed off screams and chair-throwing*

Harry nods eagerly. Lynn flips her hair over her shoulder and flashes a smile at him. "You guys are amazing." I swear, if Harry's grin gets any wider, his face will shatter into pieces. And if Lynn, goes on the way she's going, I'll shatter her face for her.

"You think so?" says Harry. "Mmhmm.." Lynn replies seductively. If Harry were a stick of butter, he would be melting rapidly in Lynn's hand.

This is how it all begins.


So, what do you think of chapter one? Do you like it?

On other hands and and toes, did you see the 'Little Things' music video? It. Was. AWESOMENESS. Omfg I loved it!

Check out the song to the side. It's 'Better Than Revenge' by Taylor Swift. It suits what's happening and Sophie-Anne's mood.

Anyway, vote, comment, fan? Pretty please with a Harry Styles on top? TANKS A TOUSAND.

GeekyGaga xx

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