2. 'You're Like A Fucking DoorMat!'

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When I get back to my flat, I slam the door – hard. Miss Fenton yells at me from across the hall, but I can’t care less. I throw my bags by the couch and throw myself on it. I grab a pillow and have a good old scream into it. Miss Fenton is probably fit to barge in a scold me, but she can go screw her cat for all I care.

I sit up and take a deep breath of air, running my hand through my hair, which is matted to my scalp. You see, Lynn couldn’t tear herself away from her precious Harry, so I ended up walking home in the rain, seeing as she had been my means of getting into central London.

He asked her on a date; A flimsy d-a-t-e.

Look at the word.

Familiarise yourself with it.

Loathe it entirely.

It’s not that Harry asking someone out on a date is annoying; it’s that he asked Lynn. And she’s always gotten every guy she wants; it’s not so different this time. But because I may or may not have a thing for Harry that is more than just fangirl-happiness, I am severely ticked off.

I rummage through one of the shopping bags and pull out my phone. I skim through the contacts before I find the one I’m looking for. I click ‘call’ and press the phone to my ear.

“Hallo, and how can I be of assistance today?”

I roll my eyes. “Button it up, Rhona. I’m not in the mood.” Rhona Smith huffs on the other end. I’ve known her for a year now, but she knows me inside out. “What did she do this time?” She asks, referring to Lynn.

In a quick minute, I explain how Harry paid for the shopping, his reaction to me, Lynn pouncing in for the kill and getting a date.

“Sounds like he took quite a fancy to you,” Rhona comments, completely unaffected by the fact that the boy in question was none other than Harry Styles. Which is really surprising, seeing as she's quite a fan of One Direction.

 I snort. “Please, you should’ve seen him when he saw Lynn. He looked like all his birthday wishes came true all at once.” Harry's delighted expression pops up in my head. I wince and shake my head.

"So, when's the date?"

"In two days." Two days, two days of torturing anticipation and plotting how to magically make Lynn disappear so I can take her place.

"She's got you to do her make-up, hasn't she?"

"Nooo...." I lie. Did I mention I'm absolutely rubbish at lying? No? Well, now you know.

"Oh gosh, Soph.. You're letting her walk all over you! You're like a fucking doormat!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

I click 'end call' and push my phone out of sight. I'm probably going to tear my hair out later trying to remember where I put it, but I don't care.

I think carefully over what Rhona said. Lynn wasn't walking over me, was she? I don't think so. She's just more open and attractive than me -and the rest of the female population combined- and helping her get ready  on Thursday is just helping out a friend....


I let out an exaspperated sigh and bury my face in my hands. I want to go back to being three years old, where if someone simply smiled at you, you were best friends and holding hands meant you were in love and together forever.

I don't know. Is Lynn walking over me?

My phone buzzes from in between the cushions of the couch. It's a text from Lynn.

From: Lynnie :)

Pick my dress up from the dry cleaners tomoro. x

I suppose that answers my question.










Where the bloody fart is Lynn? I shoot a look up to the clock. It's 5:15pm. Lynn is half an hour late. She's meant to be coming over here so that I can help her get ready for her .. date.

I'm actually sort of glad she's late. I have time to control my annoyance so I don't end up punching her in the face. Ohmygiddygod, I actually think that might be fun.

I'm a shit friend.

I should be burned at the stake.

Okay, that' s a bit harsh.

Then again, so is Lynn.

I'm really confused as to whether she sees my as a friend or a personal pack-mule.

I sigh.

I like my place. It's away from the hustle and bustle of London.

It's quite peaceful.


I sigh and stand up from the chair to go open the door. Lynn's pounding on the door like she's trying to break through. 'Calm the fuck down, Lynn,' I feel like yelling. Just to annoy her, I moon walk to the door and creak it open slowly.

Oh, I'm so horrible, but it's so fun.

Before I can say 'Come in', in barges a flustered Lynn. "You're so slow! We're behind schedule!" Lynn snaps. "Nice to see you too," I mutter under my breath, but Lynn catches it.

If looks could kill, I would be six-feet under by now.

"Do you have the dress?" I nod quickly and Lynn begins to make her way to my room, where we're getting her ready. I smile evily to myself as I follow her. Yeah, I have a dress.

Harry is picking Lynn up from here at 6:30pm, so we have an hour and three quarters to get her ready.

Lynn is stretched out on my bed when I get in. I feel like knocking her off, but God knows I'll never here the end of it if I do. I take my phone out and put on music. 'Everything About You' by One Direction comes on first and I smile. The guys have a gift for making girls feel more confident in themselves.

Lynn starts pretending to gag. "Turn that shit off." Shit? And she's about to go out on a date with one of the singers?

I'm not going to even start on how fucked up that is.

"Lynn, Harry sings that. You might as well listen to it," I say, trying not to smack her. I actually so close to lunging across the room and throttling her. Lynn rolls her eyes.

"I don't have to like his music, and more importantly, I don't have to like him. Now, c'mon. I need to get ready."

I almost say no, but decide against it.

I'll have so much more fun ruining this for her.

HIIIIIII. So I have bad news; From now on, I can only post at the weekend. School and shit is piling up on me, so I don't have as much free time. It sucks, cause I love to write for you people, but this is just the way it has to be from now on.

New chapter on Saturday, though. WHOOP WHOOP \(^o^)/

GeekyGaga xx

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