Let's dance

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The next morning

Early in the morning is not the best time for anyone your alarm goes off you threw your alarm clock across the room

Barkk: "you got to get up"

Y/n: "5 more minutes"

Nikki: "hey get up!"

Nikki was pounding on your door from the corner of your left eye you saw Barkk hid under your bed you got up and opened the door

Nikki: "hurry up your going to be late!"

Y/n: "ugh Nikki why do you wake me? I'm a aware that I'm going to school"

Nikki: "if so you wouldn't wake up late"

Y/n: "ok ok im up see"

Nikki: "get ready you are going to be late"

Nikki walked away closing your door you saw Barkk popping his head out

Barkk: "is it clear?"

Y/n: "yea it's clear come on out"

You walked to your closet to get your clothes

Y/n: "lets get today started"


You walked in to the school already you saw posters for the upcoming dance it was advertised everywhere at one point at one point you saw Rose passing out fliers for it at the moment it was annoying you slightly

Y/n: "its just a dance why is everyone so excited for it?"

After your class with Miss Bustier you made your way to Ms Mendeleiev class with Adrian and Nino

Nino: "those poster have been around all over the place"

Y/n: "I don't know why everyone is so excited about the dance"

Nino: "are you mad that no one asked you to the dance?"

Y/n: "no that's not the reason"

Adrian: "don't worry its ok if no one asks you to the dance"

Y/n: "says the guy that almost every girl in school has asked to go with them"

Nino chuckled

Nino: "did you say yes to any of them?"

Adrian: "no not really I'm not really good with stuff like that"

Y/n: "join the club pretty boy"

On the way to class you ran into Marinette and Alya

Nino: "sup gals!"

Alya hugged Nino and gave him a kiss on the cheek

Alya: "you guys are going to the dance this friday?"

Adrian: "wish i could but my dad would never let me go"

Nino: "you know I'm already going with you babe"

Alya kissed Nino on the cheek

Marinette: "still wearing that beanie?"

Y/n: "of course it looks great with everything i wear"

Marinette giggled

Y/n: "it's almost time for class to start lets go"

Alya: "ready for that test Marinette?"

Marinette: "yep! I'm going to ace it!"

Y/n: "can we switch brains for this test?"

Marinette hit your arm

Marinette: "if I did that i would fail the test"

Y/n: "point taken"


After a long day of school you were ready to go around paris and take pictures you grabbed your stuff and headed out until someone called out for you

Nino: "yo (y/n) wait up!"

You turned to see Nino running up to you

Y/n: "sup dude?"

Nino: "need to talk to you for a bit let go get a smoothie"

Y/n: "ok but your buying"

You walked with Nino to a cafe you been to a few time it had a nice aroma and great sweets once you and Nino had the smoothies you both sat down

Y/n: "ok man what can I help you with?"

Nino: "the dance"

You stared at Nino for a second

Y/n: "Nino im flattered but ain't Alya going to rip you head off if you don't go with her"

Nino: "ha ha your so funny but really look dude Alya want to go but as a double date"

You took a sip of your smoothie

Y/n: "ok so you want me to go huh? ok I could ask Alix she would understand the situation-"

Nino: "actually dude I need you to go with Marinette"

You chocked on your smoothie once those words left his mouth

Y/n: "WHAT?!"

Nino: "Alya wants her best friend to be there for her first dance here in Paris"

Y/n: "oh yea we didn't have a dance last year but still man I cant ask Marinette to the dance it would be awkward I've know her since I was a-"

Nino: "dude I know you like her"

You stayed quiet you can feel the heat on your cheeks

Y/n: "Alya?"

Nino nodded

Y/n: "figures"

Nino: "come on please help me out here dude"

You sighed

Y/n: "I don't know Nino I don't think I would be able to ask her that I may not get tongue twisted like Mari was around Adrian but it would be hard to ask her especially now that Adrian turned her down"

Nino: "dude it's been more then a month since then I'm positive she is ok I've seen them walk around and talk like nothing happened"

Y/n: "yea your right but still man I don't know if I can"

Nino: "I'll be there by your side dude don't worry about it"

You sighed you began to think of all the times Nino helped you out it was time you helped him

Y/n: "ok fine I'll ask her"

Nino: "sweet thanks dude you always got my back"

Y/n: "since second grade"

You both fist bump

Nino: "alright I better get going Alya want to look for some outfits for the dance lets do it tomorrow dude"

Y/n: "ok see ya then"

Nino: "later dude"

Nino walked out you sat there just thinking about what just happened and what is your next move

Barkk: "are you really going to do it?"

Y/n: "huh?"

Barkk broke your train of thought

Barkk: "the dance and asking out Marinette"

Y/n: "I don't know pal I want to help out Nino but can I really do this?"

Barkk: "go for it (y/n)!"

You petted Barkk

Y/n: "come on lets get you a treat and head home"

You went to the counter and bought Barkk some sweets and went home

Living two lives but only having one love (Marinette/ladybug x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now