Highschool DXD x One winged angel season 2: Chapter six

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After Kiba received his one thousand spankings from Rias, Asia healed everyone else who needed it. As all of them head back to the ORC room as Rias congratulate everyone on the victory as she looked around the room she asked were y/n was Akeno said he had something to do so he had to leave. After they talked and had fun it was time for all of them to head home and rest after a crazy day as Akeno took everyone home through teleportation magic. All that was left was Rias as she made contact with her brother who was relieved to hear that see was okay. Rias told Sirzechs of the white dragon emperor had appeared and was sent by a name called Azazel. Sirzechs was already informed of that already and called off the support that he gathered.

"Yes brother. Yes, Sona is doing the repairs, there's no need." Rias said to her brother as they talked more before they ended the call.

Meanwhile Y/n and was on his way to a secure location were he met up with Saber with the pieces to Excalibur.

"Just like I promised Saber I got you the pieces of your sword." Y/n said as Saber walked over and took the cores into her hand and looked at y/n.

"Thank you for your help Y/n I know you did your best and I'm grateful for your help." Saber said kissing his cheek and left.

"Well now that's done time for me to head back home and get some rest." Y/n said to himself as he opened a portal heading home but little did he know he was being followed.

"So that's my target huh? Well this should be fun." The kunoichi said before she vanished into the shadows.

The next morning everyone was but Xenovia had gathered at the ORC early in the morning for breakfast just before school started. Y/n was there introducing his new knight of his third peerage Nu Wa to them as Akeno offered to make toasted bagels along with some tea.

"You know Akeno you make the best tea around here you make a lucky wife to one lucky man." Y/n said as he took a sip of the tea.

"Ara~Ara you're so thoughtful Y/n thank you." Akeno said while thinking of some naughty stuff she wanted to do with y/n

Everyone finished breakfast as Rias sat behind her desk with Akeno at her side drinking tea as well as Kiba who sat on the arm of the sofa next to Koneko Asia was sitting next to y/n on the sofa.

"So, y/n I must ask what happened to you the past few days?" Rias asked as Y/n started explaining his time in the mystic realm fighting against a mystic turned demon serpent king name Orochi.

"What's a Mystic?" Asia asked.

"Mystics are immortal being from the mystic realm. A realm that separates from the mortal realm and possess various magical powers." Nu Wa said as she went on explaining how the fight went down.

"That's an interesting story Y/n and it's very nice to see you are expanding your peerages." Rias said.

Thinking to herself what would had happened if she was in his peerage but shook the thought from her mind as there was a knock on the door as Xenovia walked in wearing the school uniform of Kuoh Academy that Rias gave her last night.

"Hello." Xenovia said with a blank facial expression.

"Hello Xenovia and welcome." Rias said as she stood up from her desk as she made the announcement that Xenovia has joined the house of Gremory as her second knight.

"You've been turned into a devil?" Asia asked as Xenovia simply answered by letting her wings out.

"That's an unexpected development to say the least." Kiba commented.

Highschool DXD X One winged Angel Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now