Highschool DXD X One winged angel male reader (season 3) Chapter 1

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3rd person Pov

It was just a normal day For Y/n as he was slowly waking up form a good sleep with his queen Camilla and his second queen Yubelluna hell even while he was sleeping Lady Hinotori phoenix (a/n: I decided to give her a name) managed to sneak into his bed during the night after all she was now his after her former husband betted her and everything in the duel which he lost to Y/n. Y/n slowly started to wake up as he saw the three females sleeping soundly as like a ninja he got out of bed not waking them up and went to take a hot shower to start the day and head downstairs were his mother Zhang Chunhua making breakfast.

"Morning mother." Y/n said as he walked over to her.

"Morning Y/n did you sleep well?" Zhang asked.

"Yes, I did." Y/n replied as he made himself some morning tea.

"So, what do you think of the remodeling of the house?" Zhang asked

"Oh, I haven't notice but it does look a bit bigger. Why do I have a feeling you had something to do with this mother?" Y/n said

"You know me all to well. Plus, also since you are adding more girls to your harem and peerage I thought you might like it besides, I know my way with people." Zhang said with an evil grin on her face.

"You scary you know that." Y/n said as he finished his tea and headed towards the door.

"I see you later." Y/n said before he closed the door.

Y/n's Pov

I was walking down the street heading towards the school thinking to myself about the events that happened. From gaining not only one but three peerages, killing the pervert and the two phoenix's yep things were definitely looking good. I walked onto the school I was met once again with my fangirls asking me about my sisters if they can talk to them. It seems my sisters had a great influence on them. I replied by saying I see what I can do as I walked into the building and headed to my class. I took my seat while I folded my arms and closed my eyes as I listen to Xenovia and Asia talk about stuff. I also heard the perverted duo once again talking about perverted stuff it made me want to slice off there dick and shove it down their throats, but I just ignored it and went on with the rest of my day.

After class I met yo with the Orc in the ORC room as they were going over something for summer break. I notice that Koneko something was bothering her as I knew what it was. The door to the room opened and Rias and Akeno walked into the room.

"Looks like everyone is here." Rias said as she sat down and drank some tea as she said that she was heading home to the underworld tomorrow and it was gonna be a long trip to bring a book or something. Thinking to myself this will be the perfect time to talk to SirZechs about Kuroka and see if he can get her off the wanted list.

"I'll be going as well. I have some business down there as well if Rias doesn't have any problem with that right Azazael?" I said as he was sitting in Rias chair behind her desk.

"Of course, y/n after all with you around things will get very interesting." Azazel said.

"When did you get in here?" Rias asked in surprise.

"Listen Gremory if you didn't notice my presence until just now you've still got a lot of training to do Azazel said in which I had to agree.

"I have to agree if an enemy snuck in you'll be dead before you even knew what hit you." I said

"Y/n is right you know that's why he so popular he far passes about anyone in this room let alone the higher ups of the three factions." Azazel said.

Highschool DXD X One winged Angel Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now