The New Kid in Town

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{This is a couple weeks later like Theo said}
Tristan's pov~

"Naiya hurry up we're gonna be late!" I yelled up to my sister. She takes forever to get ready. I have to drive today since Aunt Lynn isn't here this morning. Her god damn hetero ass needs to hurry up! I don't get why straight people need to look good for the opposite sex. I mean, they're people too. Just casual things. Little to no makeup. Small simple jewelry. Dammit I'm gay. This proves that.

~at school~

"Naiya, stay out of trouble and don't take shit from anyone" I told her. "I already know Tan. I'll see you at lunch ok?" "Okay, see you in a few hours". Naiya walked away towards first period and I did the same, pulling my hood over my head I walked the opposite direction sticking my hands in my pockets and keeping to myself. Then just as I was about to turn into th- -thud- "ow..." I fell on the ground because somebody knocked me over. "Watch where your going short-ass!" He stepped over me. "Asshole much?" I retorted, he stopped dead in his tracks. "What did you just call me?" His cronies turned around with him. The shortest boy walked back over to me and pulled me up, gripping my wrist tightly, nails digging into my skin. "You shouldn't have said that." He growled into my ear, I shivered. He let go of me, I looked at my wrist, old scars and now nail marks. The one that grabbed me whispered something to the taller guy standing next to him, the taller nodded. "What's your name geek?" "Why do you need to know?" I said, putting my hands back into my pockets. "Because I asked you bitch. Now tell me your name." I huffed angrily, blowing my hair from my face and pulling my hood back up, "Tristan. Tristan Kline." He smirked at me, "Well then Tristan, watch your back..." him and his goons turned back around and left. As soon as he left I hurried into the classroom, keeping my head down and sitting at one of the desks, I felt heat rising in my face and groaned inwardly. I'm so fucked.....

Alistair pov~

Tristan Kline...he seemed interesting. I snapped out of my trance to see Alex snapping his fingers in my face. "Dude what the fuck? Come on, are you skipping with us or not?" "Hm? Oh yeah..." I guess I was more dazed than I thought because they said my face was red. "What were you thinking about dude?" Zayn said, lighting a cigarette. "Uh, nothing. Just the new kid." "Yeah he's got balls to talk back to you." "Yeah I know right?" "So when are you dumping little miss plastic ass?" Zayn grimaced at the mention of my girlfriend. "What did I tell you about insulting my girlfriend?" I took a drag from my own cigarette. "I'm just saying, you know she's using you. And you hate her now. So why not just dump the bitch?" He said. "I don't know why! I guess I'm not sure what'd I do without her?!". Ben asked me, "Then why don't you find another girl? They throw themselves at you.". I sigh aggravated...I can't believe I'm gonna do this. "Because I'm not straight that's fucking why!" I semi-yelled. Seeing their faces drop was maybe the most time I've been scared ever. Dae looked at me, "" "No you ass I'm obviously not! I still like girls!" I sighed again. "Then your bisexual you dumbass." Ben added. "I fucking know that already! I knew for a while!" I almost yelled. Dae stood in front of me, "Bro chill, we are fine with it you don't need to get defensive." I breathed deeply, trying to calm myself, "Sorry." "It's fine man." Theo said. We finished up after a bit and went back to our classes. Zayn and I went to chemistry. Yay...

~On the way to 8th period~

There's that I actually look at him, he's medium height. He looks like he's around 5"10, short curly hair, caramel skin. He looks cu- wait no! I have a girlfriend! Aria! So pretty, kind, annoying...I need to break up with her. She's dead weight on my shoulders. I'll do it later I guess...she's going to hate me...oh well. I sigh and sit at a desk in the back. And guess who fucking walks in! Tristan! Fuuuck...he sat on the opposite side of the room, thank god. Alex walked in and sat next to me. "Staring is rude Ali." "Oh fuck off you stare at girls asses all the time. And don't call me Ali." I grimaced at the name, remembering my ex who called me Ali. "Your staring again..." he whispered to me, in the middle of class. I wasn't really paying attention. I tried to focus on the stuff but it was so boring so I let my mind wander.......oh hey Tristan again. You know what...fuck my brain I'm done with myself.

~after school~

I have to go find Dae now. Dammit. This is gonna take awhi-Wait.....he's at his locker...right. I walk down the hallway to Dae's locker. "I hate school and it's only the fourth week of junior year." "Yeah but don't forget...we get to do poker nights again with the guys." I replied with a smirk, "Late nights with just us and the guys.....kicking each other's asses in cards and climbing buildings!" I finished with a half smile. "I know, I can't wait!" Dae added. "Omg babe! I've been looking for you like literally everywhere!" Aria said from behind me. I resisted the urge to sigh and plastered a fake small smile on my face. "Hello love, what did you need me for?" I said, faking my happy tone. "Me and the girls are going shopping! So I need money!" She said, holding her hand out. "Okay..." I gave her a quarter, "Go buy some bubblegum.". She stomped her foot, "Babe please!" "No, you still haven't paid me back for the last three shopping trips!" "Ugh! Do you love me or do you not?!" She almost screeched. I rolled my eyes at her for the first time in a long time. "Not anymore. Your rude and you keep saying you'll repay me but you never do! Go find some other poor sap to give you money!" "UGH!" She stomped away. I sighed in relief. Finally! She's gone. I turn around to see Dae with a big smug smile on his face. "Finally!" He said. I sighed. She is finally I can stop feeding that bitch money. Thank god. "Hurry up I wanna go home." I said "I'm done, go get the car I'll meet you there." "Fine.". I pulled my keys from my pocket and went to find my car. After finding my car I went and pulled up by the school to wait for Dae.

~20 minutes later~

I told him to hurry up and he's still not here. I call his phone, "Where the hell are you?!" "Right here dumbass.", I look up and he's standing outside the car. Fuuuck. "Get in asshole...". He got into the car and I started it again and started driving home.

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