The Night of Games pt. 1

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Tristan's pov~

Once we got out of school I started walking home, as always. I refuse to take the bus until in snows. And I don't have a car yet, sadly. I made it to the corner store, five minutes down the road from the school. I stopped there and bought a drink and a snack. I started eating after walking out and almost got run over by a car. "Whatch it!", someone in the car yelled and went over to one of the gas pumps, two people got out of the car. I recognized both of them. Dae and...and...Alistair? Yeah Alistair. Dae saw me and and started walking towards me as Alistair filled up the car. "Hey man!" He said, me, being startled by the sudden interaction said, "H-hi..." "Hey listen man, I wanted to apologize for my brother earlier. He was a real ass-..." "I heard that!" "And he was just in a bad mood." He said. I'm surprised he actually remembered me. "Oh I-it's fine, really...I'm used to it..." "Oh well then, we are having a poker nights with our friends. Uhm..." he trailed off and scribbled something on my arm....great, it's his number. Okay whatever it's fine, it's in pen and I can scrub it off later. "Text me when you get a chance or if you wanna join the game. 'Kay?" "Oh? Uh, yeah. I'll text you later." "Cool, later man!" "Bye..." he turned and went back to his brother. I sigh, covering the number with my sleeve and keep walking.

~Alistair's pov~

We got into the car. "Dammit Dae. What did you do?!" "Chill out bro, I just invited him to poker night." "You and him are gonna be the death of me!" "Good, maybe it will knock some sense into you." "Fuck you" "Love you too A.". I  pulled into our driveway a few minutes later and go inside or house. "Ma! We're home! Ma?" "She left a note, she said she'll be back tomorrow morning......I don't want to know what's happening." "Could be her and her boyfriend." "That's what I didn't want to think about!!!" "I know" I chuckled, "but we get the house to ourselves!" I half smiled. "Hell yeah!!! Poker night!!!".

~later that night: 6:30pm~

Tristan's pov~

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. I've been working on this essay for an hour. Damn college classes....I need a break...I go to take of my sweatshirt and see Dae's number on my night! xxx-xxx-xxxx hope to see ya later!...I guess I could go over for a while...maybe Mom would let me stay out this time...I decided to text him.

Tristan: hey? It's Tan...

Dae: Tristan?


Tristan: yeah

Dae: oh cool, so I'm guessing since u txted ur coming over???

Tristan: yeah, 7:00 right?

Dae: Yup! And don't worry, I'll make sure A isn't an ass tonight

Tristan: mk...what's ur address?

Dae: xxxx Lotus Street

Tristan: alright I'll be there soon

Dae: ttyl man

Tristan: bye

I plug my phone in and go take a shower.

~after showering~

I go and get my clothes on...I throw my jeans and sweatshirt back on, not like I'm to take my sweatshirt off later so why bother with a shirt? I grab my keys and head out to the kitchen. "Where are you going?" I froze in my spot. Shit... "Some kids invited me to play poker...I can go right?" My mom sat and looked at me. " back by 11, no drugs, sex, or trouble got it?" Yes! "I promise, thank you." "Your welcome." I leave with my first bit of happiness I've had in a long time. I checked my phone before getting on my bike xxxx Lotus Street got it...

~after about 5-7 minutes~

I find their house and pull into the driveway, leaving my bike in the grass so it doesn't get run over by another car or something. I go up and knock on the door. And guess who opens it?

Alistair pov~

He's actually coming over?! Why?! Why- am I so frustrated?....I sit on my bed, running my hands through my hair. Why though? Why do I have such a problem with this kid? He's just like everyone else. Within a week he already doesn't like me and I know it. I hear someone knock on the door, I'd rather it be Zayn or Quinn...I go downstairs and open it.

"H-hi..." he looked cold, "Hi.". I see Dae hopping down the stairs with Alex and Joey. "Your here! Come in!" I moved out of his way and he silently walked in. Obviously frightened by the fact Dae is so damn loud! And probably the way I look...that doesn't matter now! I mentally hit myself in the head and close the door behind him. I see Bonny out of the corner of my eye. She seemed uneasy...I know what happened before she even managed to ask to talk to me so I bring her to my room. "It happened again didn't it?" She nodded. "I'm sorry..." I hug her odd...I don't normally like being touched or touching others...I guess it's just be being a friend...true friend that is... "I-I tried to s-stop him..." Bonny said. "I know, just relax okay? Your here now and your safe here I promise...he can't get you here." She nodded and pulled her knees up to her chest. "I h-hate b-being l-like this...". "I you want to change? I have the clothes you kept here..." she nods again. I let her lay down while I get her clothes...I feel bad for's rare I feel bad for someone. But because she's trans her parents hate her...she won't let me turn them into the police for abuse for some reason. I told her she could stay here with me and Dae. Ma always wanted a daughter so she'd be happy to help. I went and grabbed a pair of leggings and her favorite shirt that she kept here and went back over to her. "Here, B." She sniffed and took the clothes and went to change, giving me a hug before going to the bathroom. She's like a sister to me. I'd protect her with my life. Bonny is my best friend. I sighed and grabbed my lighter, sitting in my window and lighting a cigarette, taking a long drag. I feel bad for her. I really do. We've been friends since third grade. She was the only kid who talked to me. I was too scary apparently. Just 'cause I was taller than most kids my age. I took another drag, holding it for a second before slowly breathing out, sighing softly and resting my head on the window, getting lost in my thoughts again...

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