Chapter Nine: The Reunion

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After leaving Diego, they continued on their journey to Glacier Pass. Saskia or Savage Fire....she wasn't really sure who she was anymore. Was she alpha? Or was she just a wolf in this herd of misfits? She shook her head rapidly and let Manny take Roshan from her back. She wasn't sure what to do. Should she stay with the herd or go back to her pack as alpha? In the herd, she could be herself and didn't have to worry about the responsibilities of being alpha because every member in the herd was equal. But there would always be a giant hole in the herd where Diego should've been, and she didn't know if she could bear to see that hole everyday where her friend was absent. But in the pack, there wasn't room for Saskia. She had to be Savage Fire...the fierce and feared alpha of her pack that other packs dared not challenge. There wouldn't just be the hole where Diego belonged but also where Manny and Sid belonged too. They crested the hill into the pass and she immediately saw Runar, Roshan's father. Her pack and the other humans were already ahead of him and he was looking back at them. She kept her distance and allowed Manny to approach first. Runar didn't see her and raised his spear to Manny as he reached for the baby. Manny threw the spear out of his hand and reached for the baby again. By now her pack had picked up the scent of Mammoth and was running back to them with the humans prepared for a fight. Manny revealed Roshan and Runar stopped his tribe before they could do any damage. Manny set the baby down, who waddled to his father through the snow. She smiled. He was back home, and home is where he would stay. Roshan whined for Manny and Sid and as they said their goodbyes her beta approached her.
"Alpha you have returned. Did you manage to kill the saber?" She flinched slightly but refused to tell her beta what was really going on. Looking at Manny and Sid saying goodbye to Roshan, she made her decision.
"Roshan is safe and that's all that matters. That saber pack won't be coming for him again, or any of you." She looked at her second in command. "I'm stepping down as Alpha." Her beta reeled back in shock.
"You don't need to know the reasons but I'm leaving the pack and the humans. It's not the life for me anymore. With the humans they're well cared for and protected and they have purpose in protecting the tribe. You will make a good alpha Dagger." Her beta humbly bowed his head.
"If my alpha wishes it, I will carry on in her stead and by the grace of your training and wisdom that you have given me, I will lead your pack with pride."
"Then I leave you my position as alpha. From now until you step down from your are Lone Thunder." Lone Thunder nodded and she dismissed him to rejoin her herd. She nuzzled Roshan one last time before watching his father take him away.
"Come on Sid. Let's head south." Manny said, turned and froze. She followed his line of sight and froze too. Diego was limping up the hill. He stopped and smiled at them. She felt herself grin and rolled her eyes. She should've known she wouldn't get rid of him that easy.
"Save your breath Sid. You know humans can't talk." He said, approaching the sloth from behind.
"Diego! You're alive!" Sid shouted gleefully and ran at the tiger.
"Nine lives baby!" Sid tackled him and they rolled in a ball until he hit the saber over the head in a friendly and brotherly gesture.
"I could kiss you! Mwah mwah mwah! Oh yuck!!" He scrapped his tongue free of hair with his fingers. She chuckled and she and Manny joined the two.
"Good to have you back partner. Either of you wanna lift?" He asked, gesturing to his back.
"None for me big guy." She replied.
"No thanks! I've gotta save whatever dignity I've got left." Diego said as well.
"You're hanging with us now pal! Dignity's got nothing to do with it! But I'll take that lift!"
"Sure climb aboard." Sid scrambled onto the mammoths back.
"Mush!! Or not mush." He corrected after one glare. She and Diego smiled and shook their heads. He turned to her.
"So what exactly are we supposed to call you now? Savage Fire or Saskia?" She grinned.
"I'm no longer an alpha but I kinda always liked my name. Both of them. I haven't been called Saskia since I was made alpha. I dunno I guess it's up to you guys. My nickname was Sassy when I was a pup."
"Sassy...I like it. It suits you." Diego said. Manny agreed and so did Sid. She smirked.
"Then I guess I'm Sassy from now on." Diego laughed and the four animals headed south, knowing more adventures were right around the corner.

The end

Authors note: Hey everyone who made it through the whole story!! I loved writing this and inserting my own character. If you guys liked it and I hope you go on to read The Meltdown and the others. Happy reading!! Thanks for all the support!

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