Teenagers On Life, It's Not So Bad

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Hi my names Laura but you can call me Lu. Through this book i will dig deep in what exactly is running through our heads an how to get out of the stupid sticky situations we get ourselves into.


AH the feeling of first love there's nothing like it. The feeling that you can't live with out them, and every time your away from them if feels like eternity when really its only been a few hours. Trust me on this I know just how you feel i been through it and i know how it feels, it feels like its going to last forever, like nothing is going to ever tear you apart. But not all first love is like this and i am now going to tell you my story.

Sure i had dated a few boys before but i had never experienced love. Sure i had, had my first kiss (we will disscus that later) but when i first fell in love it was with a boy named Harry ( Ok that wasnt his real name but a girls got a right to some secrets) he wasn't amazingly fit like Taylor Launter but he was good looking and he was kind and smart and he was one of my best friends what more could a girl ask for. Our relationship lasted just over a year so thats not bad. Now some of you are thinking what happend and some of you are thinking just shut up and get to the point and this is what happend.

At first everything was great he was constently round my house, we saw each other at school every day and were constently with each other and that was our first mistake. Our second mistake was that we were too alike, i was good at maths, so was he ect and we never had anything to talk about because of our first mistake. Finally our third mistake was that we were too good of a friend to each other and so neither of us had the guts to tell the other that it just wasn't working out. Now im not saying that friends cant go out with each other and if they do it wont work out well, i'm just saying make sure that you are one hundred percent sure it is going to work out. In the end we kept seeing less and less of each other untill I finally confronted him and we broke up sure i loved him but it just wasn't right for us to be together.

So my tips on first love to you are

1. Don't spend too much time together because you both need your space and if you spend every moment possible with each other your never going to have anything new to talk about

2. Make sure that you both have a few diffrent hobbies so that you have more things to talk about together

3. If you are going to date a friend make sure you are 100% commited and that it isnt going to ruin your friendship if you break up

4. Enjoy the experiences first love has to offer because you only fall in love for the first time once.

Thats it for today and i will see you next time but for now enjoy life.


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