chapter 1

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Jj, Chris, Leo, Pichit, Sara, Mickey, and Emil were waiting at the airport all the skater were supposed to go home to practice for the grand prix finals but there was a huge snowstorm that would last for five months. 

It was only six o'clock at night signing they waited for yuri To get there,they had been told everyone would live at his grandparents house " wonder what little Yuri's grandpa is like" Sara broke the tension "I'm excited to meet him he looks like a nice guy" JJ smirked "just don't piss him off" Leo stated making everyone laugh. "Hey over here" looking forward they saw yuri approach them he was wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans.

Pointing to the door he said, "let's go, grandpa's outside everyone's already here." when we got to the car, Yurio's grandpa waved. we waved and thanked him, smiling he welcomed us saying it was so nice to finally meet you guys the drive was quiet. when they got to their house they were greeted by the other skaters,  yuri katsuki, victor, Chris, Mila, and Georgi were waiting inside sitting on the couch watching tv "hi everyone" Mila greeted hugging Sara. when we were all inside yurio's grandpa and yurio went to go make dinner, so everyone was either talking or watching tv "this house is very nice" Guang hong Ji complimented. "I know, it's so spacious" Sara agreed to pick up yuri's cat who was greeting each visitor. victor got up "hey Mr. Plisensky is it alright if we look in your photobook again" we sweatdropped "Vitya. how many times have i told to call me grandpa. what's mine is your" he agreed. grinning victor took a thick photo book from under the coffee table and set it on the table, the skaters gathered around Sara still holding potya

Whem we opened the book a letter was written in russian so only victor, mila and goergi could understand when the page was flipped there was a really cute picture of yurio as a child he was wearing a sunhat and had a huge smile on his face

"He looks so cute" mila squealed "hey dinners ready" yurio called. when they got there yurio was carrying a pot of spaghetti and meatballs after they sat down and began to eat they made conversation with eachother "um mr Plisensky your home is beautiful" "thank you miss" after dinner yurio washed the dishes and then everyone went to go get changed. after showers and changed they crowded into the living room to watch a movie. after bringing popcorn, chips, ice cream, and soda they scrolled through channels yurio's grandpa had walked in "goodnight kiddos I'm heading up don't stay up too late" "ne zabud prinyat lekarstva" yurio said "I won't goodnight yurachka" he then left eventually after bidding everyone goodnight he left to go to bed. when everyone decided to watch Night school. halfway through the movie yuri had begun to fall asleep Potya was still sitting on his lap while yuri pets him. when the movie was finished everyone got up and began cleaning up their bowls. Whem the lights were turned on there sat yurio asleep with potya brushing against his face asleep too.

Everyone's hearts melted at the site. after putting a blanket over yuri's small frame the skaters finished cleaning up and washing their bowls then they settled on the couch and fell asleep.

The next morning Yurios grandfather had been the first to wake up, after getting dressed he walked into the living room and saw everyone asleep, smiling he went to go make breakfast.

Around ten the everyone woke that time breakfast was ready after everyone sat down and began to eat "so what do you kids plan on doing all day" "maybe go outside before the weather gets too bad" "there's a frozen lake in the back of the woods yuri used to skate there all the time" "wow well we all brought our skates" it was decided for everyone to go to the woods to after breakfast everyone minus yurio got ready and walked outside to the rink,after walking deep into the woods they found a frozen lake

After getting their skates on their skates they practiced until the snow began to fall." well the snowstorms started everyone let's head back" after getting their stuff together they left and went back to the house.

When they arrived at the house Nikolai was gone most likely upstairs asleep.when they arrived in the living room yuri was asleep in a recliner chair curled up in a fluffy blanket that was falling off his shoulders a pair of glasses on his face, walking up JJ grabbed the blanket putting over yurio's shoulders. he groaned before going back asleep. after everyone was seated on the furniture they began to talk "he's cuter than he lets on"pichit said "I know. we only know the tough yuri plisensky" JJ added looking over to the window to look outside. "It makes me wonder how much we really know about him" mila added after that the adults continued to talk with eachother neither yurio nor nikolai had woken up yet and it's around five p.m "we better not wake up mr plisensky," pichit said. another hour had passed by neither plisensky had woken up yet. yurio was still curled up asleep and so was his grandfather eventually they decided to watch tv settling on a Russian action comedy with English subtitles.

When it reached eight pm it was decided that someone should wake up yurio so Sara got up and gently shook his shoulder. when yuri opened his eyes he saw everyone looking at him rubbing his eyes "what is it" he asked "yurio can you cook" victor asked excitedly "yea" everyone signed with relief "can you whip something up" mickey asked nodding he got up and walked to the kitchen and began to make soup. when it was finished everyone ate and after that went to watch more tv, after the kitchen was cleaned yurio settled into the couch he was in and watched with everyone quietly, a few minutes later he fell asleep. getting up Mila got up from her seat and cuddled next to yurio putting his head on her shoulder her hand running through his hair. he relaxed in her warm embrace beginning to snore softly. smiling mila gestured for them to continue, after a while they all found a movie and played it, the movie was very interesting it was about a young russian princess who lost her family when she was little and went on a journey with a boy...she eventually found her grandmother in pairs. after the movie ended everyone decided to search through the tv to find something else to watch, eventually finding a tv show after that everyone went to sleep.

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