Sick days

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            "Tell me what to do..."

3weeks later..

It was raining outside and a dark brunette was running through the ally ways and up fire escape stairs. He was running, but for a reason. Someone was chasing him calling out for him. Wanting him close and holding him, but the brunette kept running and running till he was in a secluded place. He heard the person call it grew louder and louder. He couldn't handle it anymore he put his hands to his ears and screamed.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
He kept repeating and repeating the phrase unaware of the tears that stain his face. Till he felt someone's warm embrace. He melted into it still trembling while repeating the same phrase over and over. He then stopped and blackness surrounded him.
Dazai woke up panting, sweating and crying. His vision was blurry and all he could make out was a short silhouette saying something, but he couldn't hear it. He was snapped out of this weird trance till the silhouette shook him and yelled his name.
"Dazai!" The ginger screamed with worry.
"C-chuuya..." Dazai spoke shakily and lunged towards the small man.
Chuuya held Dazai there in his arms rubbing soothing circles in the brunettes back. He was so worried about him. About why he was screaming I'm sorry over and over again. Then crying and grabbing his head.
"Oi, Mackerel why don't you take a sick day." Chuuya suggested, but the brunette only shook his head.
"D-don't worry I'm fine..." Dazai said weakly while trying to stand up, but was only met with the floor as his legs gave up.
"Dazai, I think you really should take a day off." Chuuya once again suggested.
"B-but I can't leave you a-alone again." Dazai said tugging on the ginger.
  "Dazai.... Fine, but if you feel like passing out tell me or at least come to me. Deal." The ginger spoke and was greeted with a brunette shaking his head violently.
  After that whole discussion they both went to the Mafia and the whole time chuuya was watching Dazai very carefully.  He could tell the brunette was his usual self. He looked pale and sickly, but he was sure stubborn. Soon enough they made it. That's when Dazai rested his head on chuuya's shoulder and basically collapsed.
  "Dammit, you're heavy you idiotic bastard." Chuuya said pulling the collapsed man through  the building. "I told you idiot to stay home, but no you just had to come to work with me." He continued.
  While treading the brunette to the infirmary chuuya was stopped by none other than Odasaku.
"Hey what happened to him." Oda said while pointing to the collapsed man.
"Oh he-s"
"It's nothing Oda I was just tired." The brunette spoke while pushing himself off the ginger and onto a wall.
" Doesn't seem like nothing Dazai." Oda stated.
  "Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine." Dazai said while trying dragging himself across the walls.
   "Dazai I wouldn't move just yet." Chuuya said while trying to grab the stubborn brunette.
  "Chuuya I can't leave you alone." Dazai stayed while trying to maneuver his way to chuuya, but falling instead.
  Dazai collapsed again, but before he fell Oda caught him and picked him up. This was serious Dazai can't just work in this condition. He was sick and looked pale, but even so more he mentioned not leaving and that was on the minds of two people. They needed this question to be answered, but Dazai came first. So they both went to the infirmary.
   When they got there. They bursted through the door and yosano came running to there aid.
"Dazai!? What happened to him?" Yosano asked both men.
"Well this idiot woke up sweating and pale. I told him to take a sick day, but he was being a stubborn ass and saying that he's fine and stuff." The ginger concluded.
Yosano chuckled at the passed out brunette. Then she moved him to a bed to rest up in and told chuuya she would alert him when he was awake.
"Dazai you big idiot..." Yosano spoke lacing her words with worry.
"Y-Yosano can I stay with him for awhile." The ginger stuttered.
"Sure, you can chuuya." She responded
Chuuya pulled a chair up to Dazai's bed and intertwined their fingers together holding his hand for dear life. He looked at his Mackerel and took in his features. His fair skin and chocolate hair. It looked so soft to touch and that's what chuuya did. He ran his finger through the brunettes chocolate hair.
"Please wake up soon you idiot..."
  After all the drama of Dazai dying once again, chuuya has to attend a meeting with the boss.  He didn't know exactly why, but he had an idea. "I swear to god if it's about Fukazawa again I'm going to kill myself." The ginger groaned.
  As he made his way to the office. He stopped in front of the door. It's seemed as if things were being moved and yelling every once in a while.  Now Chuuya couldn't just stand there and listen in on the Boss and his ' boyfriend' bicker.  With that he slammed open the door and manipulated the gravity so the what ever was being thrown was stopped.  He glared at the two men who both stopped.
  "You two sit down Now." Chuuya said sternly.
  They both sat surprisingly, but then pointed at each other while saying "he started it."  Chuuya just pinched  the bridge of his nose.
  "I want you two to make up and try to listen to each other. Damn children." Chuuya muttered the last part so the two men couldn't hear.       There was silence in the air and no one said anything until Fukazawa spoke up.
   "Mori, I'm sorry for getting mad at you." He said.
   "I'm sorry to Fuka~ it was wrong of me to tease you like that." Mori said sincerely.
  Then they both cuddled each other on the sofa and started to you know what.  That is until chuuya spoke up stopping them from what they were doing.
  "Ahem, I hope this was all you called me for Boss." Chuuya spoke.
  "Actually, no I called you to discuss about Dazai."


To be continued....

Hey it's me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter nothing to it really. It may be a bit bad but I'm glad I wrote it. Anyways back to the chapter. 
  What do you think Mori wants to know about Dazai and will Dazai wake up?!  Well all I can say is can't wait to write the next Chapter.

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