Chapter 39: Oregon Bound

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Today we leave for Oregon. The plan is to drive there, meet Owen and Izzy, then turn around and find Duncan and Courtney. We haven't discussed what happens after that. I'm exhausted and shaken up. First of all, I haven't slept by myself for about fifteen years and I didn't expect to start anytime soon. Second of all, I have never been in this big of a city. Now combine those two facts, and I've gotten little to no sleep the past few nights. On top of that, Dacky might be pregnant! Now I'm not judging them at all. If Leah wasn't a girl, there's a good chance we'd be in the exact same boat. I am scared for them though. 

They're sixteen, and may or may not be living in different states. I know for a fact that Brandon wants to be there all the time if she is pregnant, but that might not be possible and if it isn't it's going to tear him apart. But we don't know for sure yet, so it's best not to worry about it until we do. Also, we've rearranged our rooms. Since Leah and I sleep in the same bed now anyways, we moved into what was Ian's room so that we aren't sharing a twin bed. I mean I wasn't complaining about having to be extra close, but a little wiggle room will be nice. And Carly was tired of sleeping in the loft so she and Ian moved into Sandy and I's old room. 

"You ready?" Leah asked me.  I slumped against her and said "As long as we can sleep for the entire forty four hours." "Oh yeah we're definetly taking a fat nap. I need cuddles." "Good. Because I'm going to give you alot." Carly walked into the living room and said "That's your gross moment of the day." We made the mistake of telling her about our one gross moment per day rule. "Better make it count then." Leah said and pulled me into a kiss. I am positive I will never ever get tired of kissing her. She already said goodbye to her parents, who were reluctant to let her leave. 

 We're going to the store, where we'll pick up a pregnancy test for Dacky. We looked it up and the longest it takes until a pregnancy test can tell us if Dacky is pregnant is six days.  And that means she can take it today. We're all freaking out but Dacky and Brandon are the most nervous. They find out if they're parents or not today. The rest of us figure out if we're going to be Aunts and an Uncle today, but that's nothing. Dacky has been extra grumpy today, for good reason. Usually Brandon would drive first but he's in no shape so Leah is doing it. I'm sitting in the passenger seat and looking out the window. 

"I hate big cities." She muttered. "Me too." I don't mention how she's going to be living in this particular big city in less than a few months. "Guys we can't live in a big city." I call back to the others. We've been making a list of criteria for wherever we end up once we're all eighteen. So far we have:

Close to the ocean

Everybody has their own room

 High quality coffee machine

Big T.V.


And now, not in a big city. Dacky said "We might have to add nursery to that list soon." "If there's a nursery then there's a private wing for Aunt Carly to hide from the demon spawn." Carly has been joking that if they do have a baby, it's going to be just like Dacky, and therefore demon spawn. While technically I'm the only one that is related by blood to the possible baby, the baby will have three aunts and an uncle. 

We pulled up to a grocery store. "I'm not going in. I'll see the tests and have a panic attack." Dacky said, still sitting on the couch staring into space.  Brandon sat next to her, bouncing his leg with his hands in his hair. Ian shook his head and said "I'm not picking that thing out." We've recently discovered that Ian has a weird aversion to pregnancy tests. "I'll stay with ginger to make sure he doesn't say anything that breaks the lovebirds." Said Carly, sitting next to Ian on the other couch. "It's up to us jerkface." I said to Leah. She stood up, took my hand, and said "Indeed it is brat." 

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