Quote 71

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He hides behind his pranks and jokes,
Doesn't let his mask slip.
She never tells anyone her regrets.
He knows more than he should,
Tastes his own blood through the abuse.
She called herself out on every mistake,
Replayed in her mind over and over.
He laughs,
Chases his sister around the garden
Until they are both laughing,
But his troubles still cut deep.
She goofs off,
Doesn't say that she calls herself
In her mind.
He's in pain every fucking second.
Her friends don't understand,
And she can't tell them even though
She loves them.
He's drowning in his hurt,
Can't talk to his loved ones.
She hates that autism has a spectrum,
No one like anyone else,
No one understands her pain.
It hurt to smile back then.
Laughter makes it easier to
Push down what's wrong.
He wishes he wasn't so alone.
Third grade,
She was crying in the playground,
Her friends left her for a game
She didn't want to play.
Waiting for stars to fall.
Waiting for someone to understand.
Finds himself in
Finds herself in poetry and fanfic.
Find themselves deep down.

Another poem from HaroldHutchinsfan7! Hello! 

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