Chapter six

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The school bell rang, making Dianna and Naya jump, because of what had happened during the night. They had messaged their two friends almost immediately as soon as they woke up, to which they got no reply back. Panicked, they messaged them every thirty minutes throughout the day, because they hadn't turned up to school. Naya waited outside of the school's entrance, waiting for Dianna. They were going to head over to the old man's house who had called them over last night. He said he'd help them if they didn't show up to school; they didn't, which was a huge red flag for Dianna and Naya.
The school double doors squeaked open and Dianna stepped out of the building, looking back to make sure a teacher didn't see her, not even bothering about any other students, because lets face it, every high schooler has ditched at least once, right?

"I hope you realize that our parents are going to get a text from the school saying we skipped the afternoon classes." Dianna said.

"I don't think they'll really care once they find out our friends are missing." Naya shrugged. "Come on, let's go before a teacher walks out of the school and sees us"

Dianna nodded in agreement; she and Naya started walking in the direction of the old mans house, jogging every minute just so they'd get there faster. A couple of minutes passed and they could finally see the house, causing them to smile for a split second before they remembered that they were only there for their friends.

Walking up the front porch they both went to knock on the door at the exact same time, both looking to one another and chuckling. Naya decided to be the one to knock. They heard some shuffling around in the house and then the lock to the door unlocking and opening.

"Hello, children" He greeted them, opening the door wider and stepping out of the way for the two girls.

Dianna and Naya walked in, thanking the old man. He led them to the kitchen dining table, where they both put their school bags.

"So, how are we going to look for them?" Dianna asked.

"We'll go to the cabin first, if there's nothing there then we'll search the entire woods, even if it does take more than a day or two" He replied, setting up his bag.

"If we're going to search the entire woods, shouldn't we get the whole town and police in on it?" Naya questioned.

The old man shook his head. "If there's people shouting and he hears, there's probably a higher chance of him moving spots with- what were their names? Mark and Cory?" Dianna and Naya nodded. "So we've gotta keep it to ourselves for now"

They weren't sure if they were buying what he had said, but they also didn't want to not believe him. The old man walked away down the hall into a room. Coming back out with three pistols and ammo, leaving Naya and Dianna frozen with shock. The hairs on the back of their necks and arms all raising. He handed them a pistol each, making sure the safety was on first. He put his gun in his jacket while the girls had to put theirs in their jean pockets.
The old man put the bag on, cracking his neck and knuckles.

"let's get that son of a bitch."

Chapter 5 and 6 aren't the greatest, mainly coz i wrote these when Naya passed on, so a lot of motivation went down the drain. But! I'm back, anddd i'd say probably a better writer now haha. So the next chapters should hopefully come out much-much better!

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