Chapter Two

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Chapter two

I woke up to the sound of my sister, Loraine calling my name.

"Thank heavens you're up," she said huffily. "It was time to start your lessons ten minutes ago. Get up at once!"

I got up reluctantly and Loraine helped me into my clothes. We made our way down the extravagant spiral staircase and made our way into the lesson room.

"Oh can't we please have lessons outside today?" I begged.

"No, Alice you hardly ever pay attention out in the field," she replied.

"Fine," I slumped down into my seat.

"Alice, sit up straight like the lady you are, or rather should be."

I did my best not to roll my eyes, in wonderland nobody cared a bit if you slouched.

"Now, shall we begin?" Loraine always acted so authoritative during lessons. She was barely nineteen, I hardly considered her an adult. Although she did act like one and she and my mother expected me to do the same.

After long tedious hours of trigonometry, history, and chapters and chapters of the most boring classics known to man, I was finally dismissed to go do whatever I pleased. I told Loraine that I was going for a walk.

As I made my way across the field, my father crossed my mind. I remember the look of pure joy he had when his nurses took him to his mirror.

"Not all people can see them,"he told me. "Not all people can go to the land beyond."

My mother escorted me away, crying because she was sure that her husband had gone mad. But he was right. And I have the power to see them. I have the power to go to wonderland. It's a gift, really. One I mustn't take for granted.

I made it to the forest feeling very reminiscent. My fathers and I had such a connection. I slipped off my dress so that I only had on my slip, and I jumped down the rabbit hole, leaving my dull home behind and entering wonderland. When I reached the end of the long way down, Collin was there waiting for me.

"Hello," I said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you," he said. His voice was grim. "There is something I must tell you."

"Oh no, what's wrong?" I was worried.

"What's wrong is we haven't been to the tree in weeks now," he said grinning. He tricked me, and he was proud.

I giggled, "You scared me! I was worried for a moment that there was something the matter!"

"Let's go," he said, his hand outstretched. I took it, smiling. We flew off to the east.

The tree was our special place, it was the place that we had met back when I was ten and he was eleven. It was an enormous tree, we carved steps into it that led up to a large platform-like branch. It was where we talked about everything from childish things to things that were very serious and weighing down on us. We were very close, it really helped to have a friend. Even if my only friend was in wonderland.  

He landed right below the tree and helped me climb up, his hands steadily guiding me, holding gently to my waist. When we reached the platform he glided around to face me. He leaned in and kissed me. It was unexpected but I didn't mind a bit. He ran his fingers through me hair and I held on to him tightly. Eventually our embrace loosened and the moment had to end.  

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time," he said, breathless and smiling at me.  

"I think I want to do that again," I said, pulling him close to me. We kissed again. I wanted this day to last forever. Now I knew for sure that Collin had been trying to court me. I was ecstatic, filled with happiness. When I came back from my supposed walk in the woods, I was positively glowing. I was worried that it would show. I went into the wash room and freshened up before supper.  

"You're almost late!" Loraine scolded me as I walked into the dining hall. I scanned the table. We had company.  

Wonderful, I thought sarcastically.  

"Well come now, take a seat Alice," my mother said. I knew I had disappointed her. I wasn't the perfect lady like she wanted me to be. I wasn't my sister. I took my seat next to my mother, across from Loraine who eyed me angrily.  

"Now Alice, this isn't just any company," my mother continued, smiling. "These are the Olivers. Their son Charles is to be your husband when you are through with your lessons and ready to become a housewife." 

My heart sank. I had to be polite. I reminded myself this over and over again in my head.  

"It's a pleasure to meet you Charles," I said to the young man sitting next to me." His younger sister started to sigh looking at us "lovers." It took all of my strength to keep composure that night. All I could think of was the kiss on the tree branch. And the long walk back to my mirror house when we held hands all the way and talked about our future. How could this happen to me, to us. Just as something finally happened. I must do something. I couldn't fail my lessons, or at most I could not do worse than I normally had. In no time I'd be getting married.  

That night when I went to wonderland through my mirror, Collin was waiting for me. He lifted me up and he flew out of the house and high into the night. He twirled me around and kissed my forehead. I looked at him, full of sorrow. He saw the pain in my eyes and he flew down and sat us down on a tree branch.  

"What's wrong, Allie?" He asked. I loved how when he asked me these sort of questions he was truly worried. Unlike my family, they couldn't care less what mental state I was in as long as I could appear sane and a good representation of the Cooper family.  

I tried to tell him all about Charles and how I was just so devastated, but I just burst into tears. He held me close and I cried hard into his shoulder. How could this happen?

Once I calmed down a bit I told him everything. We just sat there, holding onto each other. I took a deep shuddery breath and looked at him. 

"Everything will be alright though, please say everything will be alright," I begged him.

"We will make this work," Collin said. "Don't worry, Allie. I'll make sure everything turns out alright."

I nodded and choked on my own tears.

"Can we please stay here for the night?" I asked hopefully. I just wanted to stay in wonderland forever. And to sleep under the stars with Collin in our tree would be a dream. 

"I think I'd like that," he said, his eyes twinkling in the moonlight. 

He took off his shirt and gave it to me as a pillow and wove me a blanket out of the grasses and leaves. We layed there under the stars in peace. Maybe I could just run away for a while. Maybe I could just stay here and live the best life I could imagine. If only people would just forget about me on earth. I could live here forever and always in Collins arms under the rule of the gracious white queen. Down the rabbit hole, thru the looking glass. But the mad hatter always warned me that my kind could not live here for very long, and I believe him for he is-no matter how mad-very wise. He speaks nothing but the truth and I'm fairly certain that deep down his intentions are truly pure. 

Tomorrow, I decided. I will go to the white queen and ask her to help me.  And I drifted off to sleep.



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