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Derek's POV:

    I walk by the gym to hear subtle crying beyond the door. I peak inside to find Aria against the wall curled up in a ball crying. Her punching gloves are scattered in the room. I walk over to her and she looks up at me. Her mascara smears down her face.

"Just get out... I'd rather you not pull this shit." She sighs.

"What are talking about?" I ask her.

"This shit where you run up and try to protect me. Then you hold me and make me forget how fucked up the world is." 

"Aria? What is going on?" 

"I don't know... I just- it's so hard. I wish I was normal!" 

"I know." I say sitting next to her. There's nothing I can do for her. I don't even know what's going on anymore. 

"Derek, what am I going to do?" She asks me with tears dripping down her face.

"I don't know." I sigh. Aria grabs my hand and holds it for dear life.

    She looks at me with such sorrow in her eyes. I feel horrible, but at the same time, I can't wrap my head around anything. I think it's time to visit my father.

"Come on." I say helping Aria to her feet. I walk with her upstairs. She goes straight upstairs to shower while I walk the opposite way to my fathers office. 

I fling the door open. "Papa, we need to talk." 

My father gives a look of confusion. "About?"

"Aria. She's lost it! She's pissed."

"I can tell. But what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to get Mason on the fucking phone! I want you to make sure he rips up the damn thing!"

"Derek, you know I have no power. If I try to rip it up myself, I could start a war! We can't afford a war, Derek. You know that." My father says standing up. I sigh. I know we can't, but what am I supposed to do?! She doesn't love me! 

"Just, call him and try to convince him." I say about to leave.

"Fine." My father says. I leave the room. I feel useless! I walk down the hallway to the gambling room.

      Noah sits on the sofa with the some of the other gang members. "Hey, Derek! Come join us." Noah says. Why not? I haven't smoked pot and gambled in awhile. I sit down across from Noah.

I throw my money down. "Your asses are about to get beat." I threaten.

"I doubt that." Noah says. I raise an eyebrow. "You won't be saying that when I walk away with almost all of your money." 

"We'll see." Noah says. I light a joint and let the gambling begin. 

After a little while, I was right. I have the most money so far, over 300. But Noah's catching up to me with over 200. I'm high as a kite and drunk as fuck!

"Ah ha! Got you!" Noah exclaims taking my money. 

"Fuck you!" I say giving him the finger.

"Piss off." Noah laughs. We keep gambling all day long. I keep smoking and pulling bills out of my pocket.

"Ha! Give me that shit!" One of the men exclaim. He caught up to me. I have 860. The man has 800! One more hand and he could pass me up!

"Play your cards carefully, Derek, 'cause I'm about to wreak your ass!" The man says. 

"We'll see about that." I say slapping money down. I actually take his advice and play my cards carefully. 

"Ha! Give me my fucking money!" I exclaim winning the last hand. 

"I'm done, I'm smoked." I say collecting my money.

"Not fair you prick!" Noah says. Everyone starts yelling at me to come back.

"Look, I'm stoned as fuck guys! I'm going to tell the lady upstairs who's boss!" I say leaving the room.

     I walk upstairs to my room to find Aria watching TV with a bowl of popcorn. She sits there peacefully. It's a shame my stoned ass is about to ruin it.

"Hey! What are you watching?" I ask her. I flop on the bottom of the bed. 

"You." She replies staring at the TV.

"Why are you watching me?" I slurr.

"Are you drunk?" She asks me.

"And a little stoned." I confess. She chuckles and pauses the TV. She joins me at the foot of the bed.

"Scotch." She says.

"My favorite." 

"Mmm, do you have any whiskey by chance?"

"Yes actually." 

"Get me some!" She exclaims.

"It's in the mini fridge." I say pointing to a small black fridge. Aria hops up and grabs the whiskey that was in there. She grabs a glass and pours herself some.

     "What about me?" I whine. She chuckles. "You, my stoned sir, have had enough to drink."

I go to say something else, but my dad runs in the room. "Derek, I did everything I could, but he said no."

"Eh, I'll talk to him myself." I say standing up.

"Derek, we also have a bigger problem."

"What now?" 

"It's Ryder." My father says gently. Aria looks at him and downs her drink quickly.

"Don't even mention his name." Aria says. She shakes her head from the sudden intoxication. She pours herself more.

     "Derek, maybe we should discuss this alone?" My father suggests.

"Look, I'm stoned as fuck, so I won't remember, so who cares. Aria will be drunk by the end of tonight."

"Fine. Ryder escaped." My father says coldly. Aria spits her drink out and my eyes widen. Ryder's out. His first move will be Aria!

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