Chapter 2

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Isabella had no intention to give Theo any information that he could possibly use against her, especially since she just met this boy and he clearly is untrustworthy. She wanted to keep him submerged in the dark for as long as possible. Although, as she continues to withhold information about herself, she knew he would limit what he shares with her as well.

"With every word you speak, you making me more and more annoyed with how little you're telling me." The blunt statement hit Isabella at full force, not expecting him to react so negatively when she always was able to obtain whatever she pleased.

"How about you ask me anything and I answer honestly, and then I can ask you anything and you respond as well. Then we can both understand each other." What a silly little simple-minded game this boy has created for them to play.

She knew how to run circles around this boy but for seeming reason is only known to the gods above, she wasn't interested in manipulating him like every other man she has encountered.

"Fine. But it is getting too musty in here for a woman like me. Take me somewhere else my little wolf." She motioned towards the exit for him to lead her somewhere where fresh air could spill into her lungs rather than the musty air in the damp and dusky room they were currently in.


Theo led the strange girl to a quaint little bridge, who's white paint was chipping off due to the wear of the elements. A thin stream of water tumbled below them as they leaned on the rails for support, listening to the rushing rapids tumble over rocks. The liquid whispered to Isabella, offering a sweet welcome that she brushed off to focus on Theo instead.

"Alright, go on now." Isabella coaxed the boy to begin as a slight breeze tickled her exposed skin and fluttered beneath the sleeves of her light jacket.

"What are you actually?" Theo attempted the question once more.

"That is one question I will not answer." She replied curtly, the boy studying her intently.

"You're not playing by the rules." A hint of a smirk twinged on the werewolf's lips.

"Fine. How about you get one question that you don't have to answer. Is that fair enough?" Isabella attempted to compromise with the boy.

"That's fair. Alright, then where did you come from. You're obviously not from Beacon Hills." Theo knows every face that traverses this town, and he would never forget a face like hers.

"You are correct. I come from the sea," A puzzled expression landed on Theo's face before she could continue, "I live on the coast quite far north from here. A quiet and peaceful place. Far, far away from bustling towns like Beacon Hills." Isabella explained in more simple terms for Theo to not ask any more questions about where she traveled from.

"My turn then?" Theo hummed a yes in response.

"What are those three creatures you were talking with?" She had a widely developed knowledge of every supernatural that roamed the earth and floated in the sea, except for these beings.

"They are nightmares as well. They call themselves the Dread Doctors. Creatures who aren't entirely human." Theo explained.

"How old are you?" Was his next question, which made Isabella stifle a bubbling chuckle.

"Technically, 18." Was all she was going to let on, knowing that if she delved any deeper he would find out more than she would like him to know.

"What do you mean by technically?" He interrogated, the word choice peculiar for the simple question.

"Ah, ah, ah, you're not playing by the rules," The girl used Theo'd words against him, "It's my turn to ask a question, not yours. Why are you working with the 'Dread Doctors'?" Theo rolled his eyes in exasperation, but also enjoyed the playfulness her tone was now holding instead of the lulling voice she usually had.

"I'm an Omega. I don't have a pack. I'm working with them so they will give me a pack." Instantly, Isabella prepared another prodding question.

"What did you mean by technically 18?" Theo retraced his words from before, Isabella huffing in annoyance that he had to return to it, but she still decided to play his juvenile game.

"I have lived many more lifetimes than just 18. Although, I am cursed to forever live at this age." She winced at the thoughts of the centuries dragging on, heavyweights that were placed upon her shoulders as she lived a day in and day out never aging a single day until the end of eternity.

Theo hoped for clarification with that question but was left in even more confusion then he had before at who and what this mysterious girl was.

"You said you want the Dread Doctors to give you a pack. But earlier, you said you wanted to be a part of the True Alpha's pack. What are you actually planning?" She knew there was evil intent buried deep beneath the surface at this curious boy.

"I'm not answering that." Theo snapped, unwilling to share what he had in store for Scott's pack and the Dread Doctors.

"Fine. Alright, go on."

"Are you an Omega as well?" The question slapped Isabella with quick, blunt force.

A cloud of sorrow engulfed her heart at the words, loneliness plaguing her mind for hundreds of years as she wandered the earth as a sole being, having only herself as a company during her endless journey. Her gaze floated away from Theo's questioning gaze, a frown stretching across her features as the anguish of how desolate her life washed over her in a treacherous flood. Too much has happened within her extended lifetime of loss and suffering for her to truly be the vile and heartless being she attempted to be. Isabella turned on her heel, unable to face the beautiful boy who's company was slowly breaking down her towering barriers. She just wanted to envelope herself in the pain and the destitute of her eternal life.

"I'm done with this game." Before she could take a step, his rumbling voice halted her movements just for a moment.

"I know what it's like to be alone. Maybe we can be lonely together." His voice cracked with sorrow that caused her heart to throb in pain at his hollow words.

"Maybe." Was the last word she said before speeding off, the forest collecting her in its grasp as she left Theo standing deserted in her wake.


Turns out Isabella does have feelings. I am really looking forward to where this book will go. Right now, I am working on trying to get a chapter out every day, but no promises. I hope you enjoyed!


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