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Chapter IX: There Will Be Dragons
Warning: Mild Language

As the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, the sky over Hogwarts was painted in a breathtaking display of colors, casting an ethereal glow over the castle. The transition from summer to fall was mesmerizing in the crisp evening air, signaling the arrival of a new season. The nights grew colder, leaving a delicate frost bitten dew on the grass that crunched underfoot. Venturing outside after dark now required the residents of the large school a warm coat to ward off the chill, adding an extra layer of mystique to the already mystical atmosphere of the grounds.

Harry was currently sprawled out on the floor in the Gryffindor common, taking a much needed break from his earlier activities.

"Heyya Harry!" Said Neville, "where've you been all day?"

He had been in meetings all day, and on top of that, he had been expected to go to his classes as well. The meetings were pretty boring, but it was necessary. They had to go over the rules and regulations for the tournament and where to go if there was an emergency. "I was in meetings all day with the Minister of Magic, Dumbledore,  and the other champions." Said Harry taking a seat on the three seater love seat, "And in a bit, I'm going to see Professor Snape about the Potions internship. How are you?"

Neville settled down next to Harry on the couch, picked up Harry's schedule, and sighed. Neville shifted slightly, looking a bit overwhelmed by Harry's busy schedule. "Blimey, Harry, that sounds exhausting," he said. He watched as Harry pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I've just been working on my Herbology project. You know, the one on magical Mediterranean plants. It's nowhere near as hectic as your day."

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. He had actually managed to forget about his Herbology project.

"Did you help Professor Sprout pot more Mandrake?"

"We were able to pot all of them once I stopped fainting and came to. Even after four years of this shit, I still can't stand those horribly chilling screams." Said Neville. "The greenhouses are looking very beautiful this year. Professor Sprout and I are trying to cultivate some new strains of magical plants."

Harry smiled, though it was tinged with fatigue. "Find anything interesting about those plants?"

Neville's face lit up, eager to share something he was passionate about. "Actually, yes. Did you know there's a variety called 'Fiera Lilies' that can actually detect magical disturbances? They might not be as flashy as what you deal with, but I think it's quite fascinating."

"That does sound interesting," Harry replied, genuinely intrigued. "Maybe you could use them in the greenhouse to keep an eye on things. You know, as a sort of magical alarm system."

Neville considered this, nodding slowly. "That's not a bad idea, Harry. I'll have to run it by Professor Sprout. Thanks!"

They sat in silence for a while, and Neville watched as worry took over Harry's face. Neville patted Harry on the back sympathetically. "You'll do great, Harry. You always do." He paused, then added with a small grin, "Just try not to find yourself in too much trouble this time."

Harry managed a tired laugh. "I'll try, but trouble, and I seem to have a particularly magnetic relationship."

Their conversation was interrupted as Hermione  stepped through the portrait hole and approached them, her arms full of books. She looked as determined as ever, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"There you are, Harry! I've been looking everywhere. You need to look at this," she said, thrusting a thick tome into his hands. "I found something that might help with the first task. Apparently, five hundred years ago, the TriWizard Tournament was held in another magical school. Anyway, the Gryffindor champion used his broom. You're allowed a wand, Harry."

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