Relation: Eternal Rivals, Running Man's Two Pillars of Power
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These two are often arguing, joking and fighting with each other when they meet. Usually Kim Jong-kook wins the battle. They have been known as rivals since the 1st episode, and are considered as two of the strongest players in the series.
Kim Jongkook & Song Jihyo
Relation: Commander and Ace, Fearless Duo, Extreme Sports Duo, SpartAce, Good Fortunes, The Predators, Slave Hunter Couple, Kook-Mong Couple, American Couple, Future Couple
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The two are the bravest among all the members in the series. They are also considered as one of the strongest teams in Running Man since they first worked together from Episode 21. In Episode 379, the duo proved their love for extreme sports and rode New Zealand's scary Nevis Swing upside down facing the landscape, the most dangerous and extreme way to experience the ride. The two has frequently been paired up by the members ever since the departure of Gary and the two's age and status.
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In Episode 42, Song Ji-hyo gives Yoo Jae-suk a candy to make an alliance with him. In the end, Song Ji-hyo betrays Yoo Jae-suk by ripping off his name tag. Their chemistry have noticed earlier in Running Man until now. They have earned the nickname ''national siblings" due to their chemistry and funny bickering. They often bicker. These two are also known as ace, same with Jong Kook. On ep 142, they been paired up and Gary call them The Ace Couple. They also always win when get paired up for example on ep 454&455, they win and it was because of both are Ace and their great teamwork which led to high chance of success as always. On ep 346, the members were asked if the Earth will be destroyed and only them will be left, would you date them. Jaesuk answer 'no'. Jihyo then tease and said that she can seduce him with just one finger. Jaesuk confidently said it's impossible and Jihyo warned him to be careful. But even though he confidently said he won't fall for her, on ep 348&351, he still got seduced by her. They always take care of each other, like real siblings.
Lee Kwangsoo & Ji Sukjin
Relation: New Dumb and Dumber, Easy Brothers, Feel, Touch, Cross!
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The New Dumb and Dumber relation was first depicted in Episode 65, when they became a duo, acting similarly to the Dumb and Dumber couple of Family Outing. Later, they were known as the Easy Brothers when they were designated spies for Episode 68, and a clue was offered to the other members that threatened to reveal their identities. The clue was "Easy", a combination of their surnames 이(Lee, pronounced ee) and 지(Ji). Whenever they are paired up, they are also known for performing their "Feel, Touch, Cross!" (필, 촉, 크로스!) cheer before each mission.
Kim Jongkook & Ji Sukjin
Relation: The Strongest And The Weakest, The Awkward Partners
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During the first Running Man Hunting (Episode 52), Kim Jong-kook and Ji Suk-jin were the first members to be eliminated via rolling the dice in the Race to Kyungjoo mission. Since it was the first time the strongest and weakest member were together, the mood after the elimination was awkward. Yoo Jae-suk was the first to pinpoint the series' latest combination.