Info on Izuku's Guardians

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Akito info:
Gender: Male

Power: darkness

Power info: He con control the darkness and create darkness a example would be like a shadow or a shadow person. This power also allows him to control people by their shadow and hide in the darkness.

appearance: he has long black hair and torques eyes. He sometimes wear a black button up dress shirt and white pants. Also a blue tie. Also he's 5,9

He's cold towards everyone except his family. Which if you are a little slow his family is Izuku,Zack,Kace,Zane,and Reid. He's the dad or leader of the group. Which he's a little over protective over Izuku.

Likes: His family, helping Izuku,peace(but he never has it)and cooking.

Dislike: People who hurt his family, jerks,and Izuku's dad(btw he's never met him Izuku just tells him what he did)

Dislike: People who hurt his family, jerks,and Izuku's dad(btw he's never met him Izuku just tells him what he did)

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Zack Info:
Gender: Male

Power: Snatch

Power info: he can snatch other peoples quirks and add it to his power. The downside on this is that the people will still have their quirk but he'll just have it to.

Appearance: long Orange hair and light clear red eyes. Usually wears a black shirt with a black jacket and black ripped jeans. Also he's 5,8

Personality: he's very cocky and rude. But not towards Izuku he would hurt anyone that messes with his family. Also if you get to know him like his family does he's very laid back and chill. He's strong and also powerful. Is always having child like augments with Kace.

Likes: Chilling,watching tv,training with the family,helping Izuku,spicy food, competitions, winning,and drawing cloths design.

Anyone who hurts his family,loosing,and anything too sweet.

Dislikes:Anyone who hurts his family,loosing,and anything too sweet

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Kace info:

Power: Direct Light

Power info: He can control and manipulate light. Also he can take energy from light and put it into himself or someone else.

Appearance: At the top of his hair it's white but fades into the colors of the rainbow at the end. Has pink purple-ish eyes. Usually wears a black Hug shirt with rainbow hair clips on it with a jacket that looks like the galaxy. black plants. A black chocker and a black head band. He's 5'7

Personality: he's a bundle of joy and really bubbly. He acts like a child and loves to do fun things. Tho he can be pretty deadly if you get on his bad side.

Likes: Sweets,playing,having fun,going out,talking,his family,watching Tv,nice people,helping Izuku,and playing with the family's pet wolf,and designing.

Dislikes: Spicy food, mean people,and anyone who hurts his family

Dislikes: Spicy food, mean people,and anyone who hurts his family

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Reid info:
Gender: Male

Power: String

Power info: He can create any type of string he wants. Sounds lame but the things is he can make it to wear if he raps someone in his string they can't get out of it or he can make it to where if he raps his string around someone or something not only can they or it not get out of it but if he pulls it towards him it slices the person or thing apart.

Appearance: light-ish blue hair with one light blue eye, on darker blue eye. Usually wears a white button up dress shirt but with the first two buttons unbutton. A light gray sweater on top of it. A blue button up blazer but none  of the buttons are done. And a blue tie. Also plaided gray pants. He's 5'9

Personality: He's very cool and clam. He can doesn't really care about a lot of things but the main thing he cares about is his family but he'll never emit it.

Likes: Sleep,chilling,planting,cleaning,and helping his family.

Dislikes: Being woken, disrespectful people, bullies,jerks,and people who hurt his family.

Dislikes: Being woken, disrespectful people, bullies,jerks,and people who hurt his family

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Zane info:

Power: Mythical Voice

Power info: he can summon anything that's mythical. He can also decide if he wants to keep whatever he summon our make it go back to where ever it came from.

Appearance: to hard to describe so just check the picture. Also 5'9

Personality:  He usually acts life he doesn't care about anything. Kinda mean but also he's very chill back. He's also very smart so he helps and sometimes teaches Izuku. He's also protective over Izuku.

Likes: Singing,listening to music,teaching Izuku, calling Zack names, and irritating Akito

Dislikes: Anyone who hurts His family, and people who act slow

Dislikes: Anyone who hurts His family, and people who act slow

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(A/N: None of these pictures belong to me. Credit to who ever made them. That's all.😊😊)

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