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(Time Skip to the last day of Junior high. Izuku age: 15 Bakugo Age: 16)


We can see Izuku walking though the halls with girls and guys staring at him. "Oh My God look it's the prince" one girl said He's so handsome" another said.

"The prince is so cool" One guy said "Not to mention nice and strong" another guy said. As Izuku grew he began training. With his brothers/Guardians teaching him. Also he got taller and had long silky green hair that went to his waist. His skin was pale put soft. Emerald green eyes and purely white teeth. His hight stood at 5'7

(So basically like this but with a slightly darker green and emerald eyes)

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(So basically like this but with a slightly darker green and emerald eyes)

As Izuku made it to class he sat in his seat which was next to the window in the back of the classroom.Izuku was a smart for someone his age some might even say smarter the a college student.

"Hey Deku" a certain ash blonde shouted. "Oh Hey Kacchan" Izuku said with a gentle smile that made everyone blush. "So what are you doing after school" Bakugo asked.

" I have to go to the cafe today and after that I have to train. I'm sorry" Izuku said a look of sadness on his face "It's ok you damn nerd. Now stop looking so sad" Bakugo said going to his seat.

Then the teacher came in and class began. They were learning stuff. Then someone had passed Izuku a note. He looked at the note and saw his name was on it. He opened and read it.

"Please meet me at the end of school by the cherry blossom tree."


He looked at Lenna and nodded with a gentle smile. She blushed and turned away. Izuku was used to this. 'Ooo another one' Kace said from his stone but talking to Izuku threw his mind.

'Yeah' Izuku responded 'So you going to do this the same way prince' Zack said 'Of course' Izuku said 'This is exhausting' Reid said 'You think everything exhausting' Akito said 'So what topic you gonna say' Zane asked 'Flower' Izuku said back 'smooth' Zack.

(Time Skip 5 min before the end of the day)

The teacher had a stack of papers in his hand "Well let's talk about your cheers" he said then threw the papers in the air "Ha just kidding you're all going to be great heroes" the teacher said.

Then everyone except Izuku and Bakugo started showing off their quirks. Until "HEY TEACH" Bakugo shouted making everyone look at him.

"Don't lump me and Izuku in with these bunch of losers. We're the real deal and these guy would be lucky to end up as some sidekick to some busted d-lister Ha" Bakugo said.

This cause a uproar in their class "Hey doesn't UA have a 2% chance rate" one kid said "Yeah but I'm sure prince can get in" another said.

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