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Through these pages, I'm gonna share with you, my biggest, most well kept, secret.

The truth is, I'm new to this.

I don't exactly like to write and I'm not all that good at it.

I don't particularly like talking about this and I'd prefer to keep it to myself, but, in the off chance that this narrative manages to help someone, even if it's just a single person, then divulging these details is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

I'm gonna ask you to bear with me through this process.

I'm gonna make a lot of mistakes and I'm gonna need a lot of patience.

You see, this isn't something I'm used to sharing and it's gonna be a lot for me to dig up after all these years.

I'm not gonna lie to you, this isn't going to be a particularly pleasant read.

What I mean is, this isn't gonna be some fictional story that is going to leave you feeling like life is full of nothin but sunshine and rainbows.

If anything, it's gonna do the complete opposite.

In more ways than one, this may be disturbing to some readers and if you're uncomfortable with graphic violence, mature language, or my brutally honest nature, I'd encourage you to choose a different book to read.

The simple way to put this is, I grew up in a really fucked up home.

Both of my parents were physically and emotionally abusive.

Almost to an unrealistic extent.

The first 18 years of my life were a living hell and what I am about to share with you are memories that still scare the living shit outta me, to this day.

But, before I get into any of the details, there are a few things I'd like you to know.

1. Abuse is a serious issue and it's one that I do not take lightly

2. I am gonna be completely transparent with you. If you have questions, ask them. I'll give you an answer to the best of my abilities.

3. If you or someone you know is currently suffering in some form of abusive relationship, don't make the same mistakes I did. Reach out. Ask for help.

4. If this is something you've dealt with or are currently dealing with, I need you to know you're not alone and you don't deserve this shit. I don't give a damn what anyone else may tell you, no one deserves to go through this.

5. And lastly, if you need to or want to talk about it, you can comment or (if you need to share something more personal) my message box is always open and I'll try and give you what advice I capable of providing. If you choose to share, this is an environment where there is no judgement and you have my word that you experiences will remain confidential.

Look, I'm not an expert or any kind of psychologist.

I don't have some fancy degree in reading people's minds or whatever.

What I do have, is experience.

I know what it's like. I've been through it. And I survived it.

If you choose to read further, I ask you to be respectful and compassionate.

These are extremely intimate experiences and I won't tolerate any negative rhetoric.

If you can't respect my writing or other's, I am going to tell you right now, I'm not going to put up with that kind of shit.

Talking about events like these leaves a person feeling extremely vulnerable and it is absolutely mandatory that this remains a environment that is productive and safe.

Having said that, the most important thing I can tell you is, that this is an uphill battle.

Take it from me, this shit fucking sucks.

It's not gonna be easy and it's sure as hell not gonna be fun.

But, no matter how degrading and miserable it is, you gotta keep fighting.

I swear to you, it does get better.

There is always something or someone out there worth fighting for.

But you gotta trust me when I say, that you alone are worth this fucking war.

So, if you're gonna fight this battle. Do it for yourself. You're worth it.

Just remember, we're in this one together.

My name is Tristan J. Asher,

And this is my story...

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